Chapter 40- The Fae

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This was going be a completely different chapter. But then I was on tumblr and read some interesting folklore. So here we are. Sorry if there is too much talking or if you don't like it. I'm tired. That's a terrible excuse, I'm always tired! (Please don't come after me with pitch forks and fire. I'm sorry.) But, it is now my half term holidays, so I should be able to write some longer chapters!

Chapter 40

Forest's POV

Time ticked on. Counting down to the deadline. The next lines in the riddle rattled round my brain like marbles in a jar. We had solved the first two lines, yet we still had much more to solve and not much time to work with.

Fate was not on our side.

The next lines of the riddle were very vague, they could mean anything. I mean, come on. He didn't even try to make sense.

If you look for us, you won't find us, to see past you need to see in the darkness and close your eyes to the light.

Well, I was looking for them, and not finding them was not an option.

Even Ash, who had finally apologised enough to be forgiven, had no idea what it was on about.

Alpha Maxim had had to go back to his pack, but he promised us if he found anything else that could be useful he'd email us.

That just left me, my parents, Ash and Skye to solve the riddle. Skye and Ash's parents wanted to help, but they had other things to tend to, like keeping the pack safe.

Skye was staring at the message for the hundredth time, trying to figure out what it could mean.

"It says we need to see in the darkness," Skye stated "maybe it means we need to go somewhere dark?"

"Where's the darkest place you know?" Ash asked suddenly, Skye seemed to understand what he was on about and she started nodding enthusiastically.

I thought for a minute but couldn't think of anywhere, "I can't think of anywhere dark, why do you ask?"

Ash shook his head, "Come on man, I'm supposed to be the dumb one, not you," He shook the sheet of paper in my face, "It's on about dark places, where's the darkest place you know."

My dad nodded in understanding, "It does seem to be literal, the first question was solved by Aria calling the trees fake, in Aria's eyes they were literally fake trees. Let's see the message they left you again."

I handed over the letter, my eyes lingering on it, trying to see if there was anything special about it.

So you solved the first clue. Well done. You are one step closer to saving, and stealing, Aria. But there is still lots to come, and time just keeps ticking on.

Good luck.

I couldn't see anything special about it, and yet my mum instantly perked up, "Why didn't we see it before," She muttered to herself, "Of course, it all makes sense now."

I respected my parents, and would never yell at them normally, but they knew something I didn't.

"What is it?" I yelled sharply, causing Skye to jump and my parent to look over at me.

"Forest," My dad growled quietly at me, "I know you're impatient but always remember your manners."

I tilted my head to the side, submitting to them before sighing, "What is it? What am I missing?"

My mum was the one who answered, her voice confident, "It says, 'saving, and stealing, Aria,' Saving and stealing. There is only one place I can think of that would ever put saving and stealing in the same place, it's also a really dark place, so it's worth a shot."

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