Chapter 67

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it's been 1 week since Lauren's second treatment and 3 weeks since her first, her body gets weaker everyday, her face has started to cave in her cheek bones becoming more prominent, the circles under her eyes almost black from lack of nutrition in her system, all Lauren ever does is sleep, she barely eats, she's drawn into herself, only talking to people when she has to.

Camila has slowly started to go down hill, spending every moment caring for Lauren and checking that she is okay, that she is still breathing, that she hasn't thrown up in her sleep, Camila is getting roughly 2 hours of sleep every night and it's starting to kill her.

"Camila you can't keep doing this to yourself, you need to sleep" Dinah told Camila as she busied herself around the house, always awake, always drinking coffee, always keeping busy so she doesn't fall asleep, never allowing herself to sit down for more than 5 minutes.

"i'm fine don't worry about, worry about Lauren if you want someone to worry about, i'm okay, im fine" Camila told Dinah as she shuffled the magazines on the table into a neat pile.

As the words left Camila's mouth she knew they weren't true, but she needed to say them outloud so she could pretend to herself and others around her that they were in fact true, but it's not, it's not true at all, Camila is deteriorating and she knows it, she just refuses to admit it to herself and everyone around her.

"just stop will you for 5 minutes, stop moving stop trying to clean things that aren't even messy, will you just look after yourself for one day" Dinah argued snatching the remote control out of Camila's hand and throwing it into the pile of pillows placed perfectly on the couch.

"Just Stop"

Camila looked over at the couch where the remote had fallen and seeing it had knocked one of the cushions out of place, she turned back to look at Dinah as if she had offended her before walking over to the couch and placing it back in its position and retreiving the remote.

Dinah walked over grabbing all of the cushions and throwing them around the Livingroom.

"when are you going to wake up and stop being this Zombie, you have been like this for the past 10 days, you're not sleeping, you're barely eating, you may aswell be the sick one the way that its taking it's toll on you, Camila why can't you just admit that you can't do this all on your own, Lauren needs to tell her parents and she needs to tell them now, can't she see the affect this is having over you? can't she see that this is making you ill? i refuse to sit by and watch this any longer i am going to call her parents if Lauren doesn't agree to do it right now"

Camila stood frozen in place her eyes never meeting Dinah's but looking around at all of the cushions now covering the livingroom floor.

"why did you do that?" Camila asked pointing towards them.

"did you even listen to a single word i just said? you need HELP Mila"

"i'm fine" Camila told her again.

"Camz" Lauren's voice called out and Camila's head shot in the direction of the bedrooms, a look of dread falling over her face, scared to enter the bedroom to see what she would find this time.

"i'll go, please just sit down and close your eyes for 5 minutes, you're not Mila anymore" Dinah rested her hand on Camila's upper arm to get her attention and succeeding as Camila's eyes fell onto Dinah's hand before lifting up to meet Dinah's eyes.

"it's fine i can do it" Camila told her unemotionally and began to make her way towards the bedroom.

"no Mila i will see what she wants" Dinah took Camila by her arms and forced her to sit down on the sofa.

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