Chapter 82

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Camila and Lauren separated from their kiss and Camila took in her surroundings only just realising that she and Lauren had been left alone in the room.

"Where did the girls go?" She questioned Lauren turning back to face her.

"They left as I walked in, they didn't want to stick around for what was going to happen"

"Nothing bad happened though" Camila said puzzled.

"Well they didn't know that what happened was going to happen did they? I didn't know myself what was going to happen if I'm being honest with you"

"But you love me right?" Camila questioned nervously looking up through her eyelashes.

"Of course i do, you know that, you don't have to ask me such a silly question, you should know by now we don't need those words to know that we are in love" Lauren placed her palm on Camila's cheek and she leant into it welcoming the comforting touch.

"I was so confused when I woke up, and when the doctor told me I was on Tour with Justin everything in my head just got so jumbled and it was stressing me out , I couldn't figure out why I would go on Tour with him and leave you guys behind, it doesn't sound like something I would do, I still don't understand it, I mean yes I believe Ally when she says that I was being blackmailed but why didn't I just tell someone? Lauren why was I so stupid? Why did I leave you?" Camila started to get hysterical again and Lauren noticing quickly tried to defuse her.

"Hey baby you're not stupid okay, I honestly can't give you the answers that you need because I was just as confused as you are about everything, I still am slightly, but that's something that we are going to have to deal with, we will talk to the doctor and see what is going to happen with your memory, because I would really like to hear the full story from you, but if you never regain your memory then we forget it happened okay, and if you start getting black mailed again we will deal with it, together, okay?"

"I feel like someone has gone into my brain and removed a small part of it, why did this happen, it's all just blank, it's driving me crazy that I can't remember anything that happened, I hate this, Lauren I really hate this" Camila hung her head running her hands over at face.

"I know you do, but there is no point in stressing yourself out okay, it will only make things worse for you and we don't want that, just try to stay calm for me, we'll talk to the doctor and see what's going to happen. Alright?" Lauren questioned and held Camila's face in her hands so that she was looking into her eyes.

Camila took a deep breath and nodded her head briefly.

"Okay, go get the doctor"

"Alright I won't be long" Lauren pressed her lips against Camila's forehead before climbing off of the bed and vacating the hospital room.

As Lauren walked outside she saw all of the girls and Camila's family crowded outside the room.

"You can go in, i have to find her doctor so we can discuss her memory" Lauren told them.

"I'll go and do that sweetie, you go in with the girls and would you mind watching Sofi for me?" Sinu smiled at Lauren.

"Sure, come on Sof" Lauren smiled and held at her hand waiting for the youngster to step over and placed her own hand in Laurens.

"I won't be long" Sinu smiled and left down the hallway in search of Camila's doctor.

Lauren turned around and followed the rest of the girls into the room.

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