Chapter 45

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Lauren's POV:

I jumped pulling the quilt tighter around me and Camila as the girls came screaming and running into our room.

'Jesus Christ, don't you knock?' I asked.

'Don't use he's name in that manner' Ally scolded me, I rolled my eyes at her and stared at everyone.

'What are you all doing here?' I asked.

'Oh my god you guy totally just had sex' Demi squealed pointing at us.

'Really? What gave it away' I said sarcastically and she stuck her tongue out at me.

'Can you all go away' Camila mumbled.

'Oh please, it's not like we haven't seen you both naked a dozen times before' Dinah rolled her eyes jumping on the bed.

'Dude, come on' I groaned.
'Okay maybe we should leave the lovebirds, but all your family are in our room and well' Normani arched her brow at us.

'Shit! What?' Camila asked panicking slightly.
'Mmmhmm, mums, dads, siblings, grandparents, remember this is the show all our family members come out to' Normani said.

'Crap' Camila groaned hiding her head under the quilt.
'Baby come on, it'll be fine.. They won't have to find out okay? I'll stay away from you if it helps' I said trying to reassure her.

I didn't want to trust me! If I left her it would completely kill me inside! But I can't have her dad and her grandparents hating her! My parents and grandparents have accepted us, but Camila's dad doesn't even know yet and I know she is freaking out about that!
Camila through the quilt of her head and stared at me as if I was insane.

'What' I asked her confused.
'You must be fucking crazy if you thinking I'm hiding us from them! I don't even care anymore, I love you Lauren Jauregui! Besides we came out on a live chat! I'm pretty sure they know by now and if they don't well they're about to, I'm done hiding baby' Camila rested her hand on my cheek and kissed me softly.

I smiled grabbing her and rolling over with her on the bed deepening the kiss, is it possible to fall more in love with someone in a single moment? Because I swear I just did.

'Uhh guys' Ally cleared her throat.

I pulled away from Camila and turned glaring at Ally.

'Do you mind? We were having a moment'
'Yes and it was totally cute but we don't need to see you guys.... Blehh' Normani said.

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the bed.

'Okay leave, we'll shower and come meet you guys' I started ushering them towards the door.
'Shower... Right' Demi winked.

I just smirked and pushed them all out of the room.

I walked back in and see an empty bed.
"Camz" I called.
'Bathroom' Camila called out.

I walked into the bathroom and watched as Camila slowly bent over pulling her panties down and stepping out of them, I smirked watching her, biting my lip softly.

'You're such a perv' Camila rolled her eyes standing up picking up her shirt and throwing it at me.

I laughed and threw it back at her.

'You was practically begging me to perv over you' I smirked walking over and wrapping my arms around her from behind.

I know she rolled her as again as she pushed me away an I just giggle, she stepped into the shower turning the hot water on, I stood there watching her before she turned her head an smiled.

'Are you joining me or what?' She smirked.

I grinned and stripped myself naked climbing into the shower with her.

She didn't have to ask me twice, ever.


Camila's POV:

I took Lauren's hand in mine trying to stop my own from shaking, I feel like a nervous wreck right now but I can't hide from everyone forever, we walked down the corridor to the girls room and froze outside the door.

'We don't have to do this yet' Lauren said turning her head to me and lifting our intertwined fingers.

'We do' I nodded giving her fingers a tight squeeze before opening the door and walking in.
'MILA' Sofi ran up and dove into my arms.

I squeezed her tightly feeling her small arms lock around my neck.

'I missed you' I mumbled into her ear.
'LAUREN' Sofi grinned pulling out of my arms and diving onto Lauren.

'But clearly you missed lauren more' I rolled my eyes and Lauren stuck her tongue out and winked at me.

'Don't be jealous babe'
'Jealous? Psshh what? Psshh no' I looked down and I heard Lauren giggle.
'Jealous' she whispered, her lips close to the top of my ear, goosebumps covering my skin.
You're mine' I mumbled pouting slightly.
'All yours' she whispered seductively in my ear making me weak at the knees.

Oh god!

'Ehem!' I looked up and see everyone starring at us, my face going bright red and feeling the nerves take over again, I was completely oblivious to the fact that we had an audience.

I shook my hands discreetly and put a smile on my face, walking over and greeting my family.

I went into hug my dad but he put his hands on my shoulders to stop me, he looked down at me then over at Lauren, I looked over my shoulder at her nervously, she gave me a reassuring smile before I turned to stare at my feet.

I felt a wash of relief run through my body as my face contacted with my dads shirt, he's arms wrapping tightly around me.

'You're still my daughter' he whispered in my ear.

Hearing him say that made me so happy, I sobbed and sniffled.
My dad pulled me back and stared at me confused.

'Why are you crying?'
'Its just such a relief to know that you accept me, mum said you wouldn't and I just... I just couldn't have handled it, but I couldn't hide it anymore dad, I couldn't' I shook my head trying to hold it all together!

'This is insane! Don't tell me you're honestly okay with the fact that your daughter is a .. A.. I can't even say the word! It's a disgrace' I stared at my grampa in shock, feeling my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.

I watched as he looked away from me, a look of disgust on his face, I felt my body rack with sobs.

I took of running I couldn't be in the room with him.

'Camz' I heard Lauren calling after me but I couldn't deal with it.

I kept running down the corridor, my vision blurred, this unbelievable pain in my chest, my legs feeling like they're gonna fall from under me any second, the blood ringing in my eyes, his face, all I can see is his face, I dropped to the floor, everything blacking out around me, but I could still hear Lauren, she was screaming my name, sounded like she was crying, what's going on, why can't I see anything.

I'm scared, Lauren I'm scared, help me.. Please! I need you.

To be continued...

Soooo what do you think is gonna happen next?? Sorry it took so long!
Comment below ideas :)


Lily x

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