Chapter 54

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I'm going to start being a bitch!! 8 comments for the next chapter!

Dinah's POV:

We were all dancing along to the beat of the song, Lauren singing the first line, when I heard a scream, then a chorus of half the arena screaming Normani's name, I turned to my right and see she wasn't there, what the fuck just happened? Our band instantly stopped playing as we stopped singing, the lights flicking on immediately.

Fans were all screaming and freaking out, trying to make out what was being said but I couldn't understand, some fans were laughing, I could read one of their lips saying it's probably a prank, a prank? What? What does she mean a prank? Where'd Normani go?

We turned around to our band members, our drummer was the first to jump down and came running over to us, explaining the situation, he watched it happen, but it happened so fast he couldn't have helped even if he wanted to.

Why has no one come on stage? Why haven't they tried to tell us? Do we continue the show without her? We're all in a serious panic, I looked back out at the fans, the ones that were laughing now realising that this isn't in fact a joke, what just happened is completely serious.

I stood in complete shock starring at the space that Normani was just standing in, why had no one been side stage to stop it? Why did no one see it happen? Is this some kind of sick joke?

All of us were far too shocked to address the fans, so out guitarist, for some reason his name has slipped my mind, he picked up a mic and walked to the front of the stage to try and calm the crowd.

Finally our manager walked out on stage with two body guards, grabbing us four without uttering a word, while someone that works on the side of the stage took who now decided to actually show up and do his job ran over and explained to the crowd,Demi came running into our dressing room where we were now standing, obviously only just finding out the news.

Why would anyone want to take Normani? I'm not really listening to what everyone is saying, Normani was taken, they have the footage, they can track the van, security is going to be tighter, honestly it was just a blur as I began zoning out from everyone.

What the hell does this person even want? money? i'm sure that can be easily arranged, or does he have some crazy infatuation with Normani? either way whatever his plan was it wasn't thought through properly because we know what he looks like, its all over the cctv, we have his number plate, the police are already here and are tracking to where the vehicle is owned, they have an address and now they're just waiting here discussing things with us, what is there even to dicuss? a girl who is practically our sister has been kidnapped, you have the adress so why the fuck are you sitting here still?

Why am i talking to myself in my head? why am i not saying this all out loud? my mouth just doesnt want to cooperate with my brain.

"Normani" i whispered.

What was once a room full of questions was now silent and turned to face me.

"My Normani" I whispered and just broke down crying, literally heaving and sobbing, falling to the floor, curling myself up into a tight ball.

"I need her, i need her, i need her, i need her, Normani" I just kept repeating over and over i couldn't find a way to stop.

The tears just wouldn't stop I couldn't control them.

Why are they just standing here watching me? go just fucking go, they could be hurting her or maybe even killed her by the time they finally go and find her, for fuck sake just go please, i need her, i need my Normani, someone please, please just go.

But the words that i wanted to say simply would not leave my mouth, i just continued to repeat i need her, i need her.

Everyone is probably so confused as to why i keep on repeating it, but i have a secret, a secret for me to know and them to find out, but do i want them to find out? if they find out then she'll find out, if she's still alive, STOP IT DINAH OF COURSE SHE IS, please just bring her back to me, the thought of never seeing her again is destroying me.

I saw Camila crouch down infront of me, through the blur of tears in my eyes, she slowly raised her hand to press it against my cheek but i flinched away from her, the flick of pain crossing her face from the rejection of her touch, it made me feel guilty, so incredibly guilty, but i can't be touched, no, not by anyone, not until i know that she is safe, not until i can see her in my sights, and feel her in my arms to know that she is infact here with us, but no one is doing anything to save her.

Finally i heard one of the policemen say they have enough back up to go now and they're going to start making their way but there is honestly no promises that the car has gone back to the house, well what if he hasn't? she could be anywhere no?

But then he said if they haven't gone back to the house he has got specialist trying to track down the route the vehicle was heading in, shouldn't they have done that in the first place? wouldn't that be easier than playing cat and mouse?

"We will contact you as soon as we have information" officer charles i think his name is said.

"wait" i said barely audible, shakily standing to my feet.

he looked at me waiting for me to say something, i wiped the tears from my face starring back at him.

"i'm coming" i told him.

"I'm sorry but that's not allowed, you have to stay here and we will contact your manager as soon as we get inside the house" the officer looked at me apoligeticly.

"no" i shook my head standing my ground.

"i am coming" i straightend out my outfit and looked at everyone around me, they wasn't uttering a word but they knew something was weird about this situation.

"i'm sorry m'am but honestly you have to stay here"

"either i come with you in one of your cars where you keep me safe, or i climb in the back of a taxi and shout follow that car, don't fuck with me, not in this situation, not right now, i am coming okay?" i told him.

the officer stared at me shocked not really knowing how to handle the situation, he looked back at the 2 other officers waiting by the door, they all gave each other a look before turning back to face me.

"okay fine, but when we get to the house you must stay in the car, do not make us hand cuff you and lock you in there, listen to us"

i just nodded, there was no way in hell i was staying in the car but they didn't need to know that did they?

i followed them out of the arena and into their police car.

"don't worry baby, i'm coming" i whispered to myself.

The police switched the sirens on and began speeding off down the road, I understand they needed back up but we're 5 cars really that necessary, the time they wasted waiting for them, they could have already been half way to the house by now, I will forever hate cops, they always take too long to get to a scene, and aren't very good even when they do.

To Be Continued...

Okay so I'm guessing most of you have figured out Dinah's secret cause for the love of god it's not that hard.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to wait until the next chapter for Normani to be found so it's in her POV.

If you don't want me to have them hurt Normani in any kind of way then comment, but honestly I think she needs to be hurt or atleast about to anyhoo..

Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think.

Lily x

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