Chapter 63

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The driver pulled up outside the girls home and climbed out to quickly assist in helping Lauren out of the car, she smiled at him as a thankyou holding onto his arm as Camila walked around to her side.

"will you be okay?" he asked Camila the concern etched on his face.

"yes we'll be fine, thankyou though, you're amazing" Camila smiled at him, wrapping her arm securely around Lauren's waist and helping her walk into the building.

They continued in silence walking into the elevator and then along the landing stopping outside of the front door, Camila lifted her free hand to knock on the door not wanting to remove her hand from Lauren's waist to find her house keys.

they stood there for a few seconds before Dinah opened the door, a surprised look evident on her face.

"i didn't think you'd be back home for a few more hours, we would have come to the hospital to help" Dinah said opening the door further to allow them space to walk in together.

"That's okay, we managed" Camila smiled appreciatively at her.

"How are you feeling Laur?" Dinah asked resting her hand on Lauren's forearm affectionately, but never recieving an answer.

Camila smiled apolegectively at her friend and giving her look as if to say i'll talk to you later, Dinah nodded descreetly.

"Okay so let's go run you a bath" Camila said to Lauren trying to sound somewhat cheery but not quite succeeding.

"i can do it myself" Lauren told her finally opening her mouth.

"babe" Camila tried to protest but Lauren slipped her way out of Camila's arm and made her way through the house to the bathroom slowly having her senses come back to her.

Camila stood helpless as she watched Lauren walk off and rounded the corner so she was no longer in sight.

"Mila are you okay? what happened?" Dinah asked clearly concerned for both of her friends but more for the short girl that stood before her.

Camila turned her attention to Dinah not sure how to answer the question.

"Mila" Dinah probed resting her hand onto her shoulder.

"what happened?" she asked.

"hey is Lauren okay? i tried to talk to her but she completely ignored me and went into the bathroom, did something happen?" Normani asked walking into the livingroom confused with the situation.

"sorry i spaced" Camila shook her head and turned slightly to shut the front door and made her way over to the sofa and sat down, the other girls following in her wake.

"she was fine, we were fine this morning on our way down to the room where she had to have her chemo, and while the nurse was setting up the drip i went to get Lauren a drink and when i came back she was saying she doesn't want the fans and the paparazzi to know which is understandable and that she hates the way that people keep looking at her, like she's dying and she wants people to stop, and then we didn't talk, and after her chemo i was pushing her out and she threw up and she just looked so i don't even know how to describe it, honestly she looked like she would rather have died than having to have people help clean her up and help her, and in the car she moved away from me and wouldn't talk to me and now we're here" Camila shrugged slightly playing with her fingers in her lap.

"Lauren is such an indepedent person, so it's going to be hard for her to have to depend on you and other people, she has so much pride, she doesn't like needing help, but she is going to have to accept that she does, in the situation that she is in" Normani said.

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