Chapter 58

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Camila's POV:

Lauren stared down at me with her peircing green eyes, both of out eractic breathing brushing against each others faces, she had my arms pinned on either side of my face, starring down at me with so much lust and passion i'm surprised just starring at her didn't make me convulse beneath her.

she pressed her hips into mine pushing me down onto the bed making me let out a moan, feeling her jeans pushing against my skin, the friction annoying me, but also causing me pain and pleasure, Lauren smirked down at me, satisfied with how she was making me feel as she pushed her hips into me again, i bit down on my lip to stop the moans from falling out, but even i knew that wouldn't last long, with the things she's making me feel i'll be screaming in no time.

she held my hands in place and she slowly kissed my chin and along my jaw, biting ever so softly, making her way down to that point just below my ear that always makes me quiver.

her lips locked around that exact spot, sucking and nibbling softly, the shock that ran through me when she bit me so hard i thought she was going to draw blood, the sensation running through my body was intense and indesrcibable, i couldn't help but think about vampires with the way she bit down on the same spot with the same amount of pressure.

"Lauren" i moaned, the name leaving my lips not giving me a chance to think about it.

her hot tongue swirled over the spot she was biting, soothing the slight pain she had caused, my arousel was through the roof right now and i think she noticed too, she lifted her head smirking down at me, pulling my bottom lip between her skillful ones and sucking slow and sensually.

i bucked my hips to meet hers, growing more frustrated with her jeans.

Lauren released my hands and they instantly flew to the buttons on her jeans trying to get them undone, but she grabbed my hands yanking them away and pushing into me again, sending more pleasure through me.

she gripped the hem of my shirt lifting it slowly, i sat up to help her throw it off, her lips slowly kissing down my chest, making her way to my nipple, nipping at it softly, the pain and pleasure engolfing me yet again, oh the things she can do to me, where has this side of her come from?

i ran my hands through her hair pulling her face to mine where i trapped her lip between mine greedily, wrapping my legs around her waist pushing myself onto her, moaning into her mouth from the pleasure.

Lauren gripped my hips pushing them down on the bed, then pushing herself onto me, she left my lips kissing slowly and toturingly down my chest and over my stomach, dragging her nails down my sides scratching lightly.

her lips continued to travel lower, reaching my navel swirling her tongue around the centre of my stomach, my breathing getting heavier, Lauren looked up at me, my eyes locking with hers, her lips smirking against my slightly tanned cuban skin, i bit my lip softly her green eyes piercing mine making this moment so much more intense.

her fingers dragging down to my thigh, teasing my outer thigh slowly making her way to my inner thigh, still kissing my stomach as she continued to keep her eyes locked with mine.

i tried squeezing my thighs tighter around Lauren to ease some of the tension, Lauren lifted her face and smirked at me, crawling further down and setting herself between my legs.


she kissed along my inner thigh tantalisingly slow, this is torture, why must she do this to me right now.

she left a small kiss on my centre, my hips lifting begging her for more but she refused, moving onto my other thigh sucking and biting softly, i tangled my hands in her hair tugging it softly, moaning in response to her perfectly skilled lips.

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