Chapter 7

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Normani's POV:

Me and the girls ran out of the room and found Keaton Laying on the floor, his mouth and nose was bleeding and he was holding his crotch area.

Well damn, Camila seriously did a number on him, and she is so little, i didn't realize she had it in her.

"OI" Dinah bent down and screamed in his face.

He jumped a little and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Fuck off" he groaned moving slightly to lay on his side.

"Did you hurt our girl" I questioned.

"Yeah well your other girl hurt me, now we're even so fuck off" he grunted attempting to sit himself up, but Dinah's foot landed on his chest to stop him from moving.

"No way, what the fuck did you do to her?" I asked.

"Had sex with her" he said so casually, it made me want to hit him.

"He raped her" Drew announced his presence standing behind Ally.

"What" Ally asked tears springing to her eyes.

I could see Dinah's face changing showing anger, and I knew there was no way she was going to walk away without doing something to him, hell i wouldn't walk away without doing something to the fucking twat, i watched as Dinah grabbed his shirt yanking him up so he was close to her face.

"You ever lay a hand on her again, i swear to god you won't be seeing your 18th birthday" Dinah swung at him connecting with his jaw, letting his shirt go as she did causing him to fall back against the floor.

"I will have you murdered" Dinah spat, before spinning on her heel walking back in the direction of the dressing room with Ally following after her.

I stared at Keaton for a few seconds, wanting so badly to hit him, but Dinah had hit him with such a force that he had passed out, so he wouldn't feel my blow, and there really is no fun in me hurting him if i don't get to watch him in pain.

I decided to leave it and to follow after the girls, jogging slightly to catch up with them.

Dinah skidded to a stop right outside of the dressingroom door and i bumped into her.

"What the" I started but Dinah quickly turned around clapping her hand over my mouth gestering me to be quiet, i just looked at her in confusion before she let go and stood me in front of her so that i could see what was going on inside the room.

Lauren was still in Camila's lap her hands gripped tightly to her shirt but this time, their lips were moving together in perfect sync, I am literally freaking out right now cause they have both had feelings for each other since the judges houses and now here they are, their lips locked in perfect rythm.

I looked over at ally who looked over at Dinah who was just smirking to herself, she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of the two.

She nodded her head as if to say let's leave them and we followed after her, not wanting to walk in and scare the girls, announcing to them that we now know their secret.

"OMG! I didn't know they were together" Ally's shocked high pitch voice almost squealed at the revelation.

"None of us did, I think that's the whole point" I Said.

"What?" Ally questioned.

"They didn't want us to know because they're scared of how we would react" I stated the obvious.

"But I love them together, I have been a Camren shipper since day one, and they both know that" Dinah said.

"Yeah same here" I agreed and we both looked over a ally.

"What?" She asked.

"Well would you judge?" Dinah questioned.

"I don't know, I mean it's obvious they have feelings for eachother but in the bible" Ally started

"Oh come on ally, don't start with the bible, there's nothing wrong with two people of the same sex loving eachother" Dinah said.

"You can't help who you fall in love with Ally cat" I agreed.

"Yeah I guess you're right" she nodded.

"Hey D send me that picture of camren, I'm gonna send it to Camila and say you lied to me" I said.

"Wait what?" Dinah asked confused.

"I asked Mila if anything was going on between them, she said she wishes, so I'm gonna put her on the spot" I grinned.

"You're mean" Dinah smirked.

"The girl shouldn't lie" I shrugged.

"She probably wasn't" Ally stated.

"Did you not just see the way they was kissing? This isn't the first time they've done it" I said.

"So Lauren must've been little Mila's first kiss" Dinah smirked.

"OMG that's so cute" I grinned.

"That is literally adorable" Ally smiled.

"Alright it's sent" Dinah said putting her phone away as my own chimed in my back pocket.

I pulled my phone out flicking to my messages tapping on Dinah's name, the picture loading up on my screen.

"Oh my god they are so freakin' cute, my Camren heart can't handle it" I gushed over the picture.

"Right, now you see why i have always shipped them"

"You two are obsessed" Ally shook her head.

"Oh girl please, give it a week and you will be just as obsessed as we are" Dinah flipped Ally off.

"Hey i am not obsessed" I objected.

"Mmm sure girl, if you say so" Dinah rolled her eyes.

I ignored Dinah, saving the picture to my phone, and sending it to Camila saying that she lied.

"I wish i could see her reaction to the text" I grinned as it popped up that it had delivered.

"You're not going back there, Lauren needs Camila right now, and i doubt she wants to be bothered, let's just go and get some food" Ally smiled softly linking her arm with my own.

To be continued...

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