Chapter 83

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Lauren's POV:

I felt content sitting here on the hospital bed with my arm wrapped around Camila's shoulder and surrounded by our friends, but i knew that we weren't one hundred percent okay, how could we be after everything that has happened over the past week, there was a still a serious talk that we had to have, but right now, i will quite happily push that to the back of my mind and forget about it so i can enjoy this moment, and i don't really feel like discussing it in a hospital room of all places. 

I wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation that was flowing through the room, but my attention was caught when Sinu and Alejandro both walked into the room with the doctor in tow.

"Hey Camila how are you feeling?" He questioned walking over with his clipboard and pen in his hand.

"A Lot better now that i have everyone here with me, but still annoyed at myself that i can't remember the past two weeks" Camila's brow furrowed. 

"Well you did have quite a knock to the head, so it is understandable, but you should be able to regain your memory, it may take awhile, but there is no guarantee that it will come back to you completely, if at all, but there is no injury to your brain to say that it won't" He told her honestly.

"So you're not one hundred percent sure that i will get those memories back?" she questioned.

"I'm about ninety percent sure"

"Well that's something i guess" Camila sighed.

I turned my head and pressed my lips to Camila's temple to reassure her that everything would be okay, and she looked up at me offering me a sad smile which pulled at my heart strings.

"So when will she be allowed home?" Sinu asked him, clearly wanting to have her daughter out of the hospital as soon as she could.

"Well all her vitals seem to be good, her tests came back all clear, so she is free to go whenever you would like to take her" The doctor smiled at Sinu.

"Wait, we're in Miami?" Camila asked starring straight at Sinu.

"Yes sweetie, you didn't know?" Sinu questioned with a hint of worry laced in her tone.

"No i don't remember anything, what is wrong with me?" Camila lifted her hands to her head and began massaging her temples as if it was going to push the memories back into her brain.

"It will come back to you, don't worry" I tried to reassure her wrapping my arm around her shoulder and rubbing the top of her arm.

Camila leant into my side and hid her face in my neck releasing a deep sigh that tickled my skin.

"I hope you're right" she mumbled.

"Aren't i always?" i questioned not being able to stop the cocky remark from leaving my lips.

Camila lifted her head to roll her eyes at me before settling her face back into my neck once more.

"Don't be getting all comfy, I hate hospitals! Too many bad things happen in them, come on, get up, get some clothes on" Dinah told her.

"No one is forcing you to stay here" Camila rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me sit on you" Dinah threatened her.

"You won't sit on me, I had a knock to the head and I'm sitting in a hospital bed, you wouldn't be stupid enough to do something so reckless that could keep me in here" Camila smirked.

"Sitting on you won't kill you" Dinah challenged her.

"Dinah I give you permission to sit on her in a few days time, but for now, it's not happening" I told her.

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