Chapter 78

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TWO YEARS LATER: The Girls Have Just Finished Their First World Tour For Their Second Album. 

"It doesn't feel right anymore" Camila stood in their bedroom of their L.A home. 

"So what are you saying?" Lauren asked, her heart beating fast. 

"I'm saying that i can't do this, i'm done" 

"I Want to fix this" Lauren whispered taking a step closer. 

"I know, but you can't" Camila shook her head and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 

"Please, can we at least try" Lauren begged. 

"I'm leaving" Camila spoke up. 

"What?" Lauren asked, feeling her heart breaking just that little bit more. 

"I've been offered a contract, a solo contract.. i'm taking it" 

"You're leaving the group?" Lauren questioned shocked. 

"Yes, i have been recording my own songs for about 3 months now, that want me to headline on Justin Bieber's tour" Camila told her. 

"So after everything, you're just going to up and leave us? your family?" Lauren could feel herself getting pissed and she wasn't making any attempts to hide it. 

"Don't make me feel guilty i have given this a lot of thought okay, i don't have no choice, Lauren please, don't make this harder than it already is" Camila's voice dropped and she started to feel drained. 

"Have no choice? Explain to me Camila how do you not have a choice? because i would really love to know" Lauren raised her voice. 

"I Can't, you can't ask me that, please Lauren you just have to let me do this, let me go" Camila fought back her tears as she stared at the girl she was hopelessly in love with and knew she would be for the rest of her life.

"What about us? why do we have to end?" Lauren asked. 

"Things haven't been right for awhile" Camila cleared her throat and wiped under her eyes. 

"And whose fault is that huh? whose fault is it that we drifted apart?" Lauren questioned, her voice raising to a shout. 

"I take full responsibility" Camila nodded. 

"I'm not surprised you've been pushing me and everyone else away, was that so it would be easier to drop this bombshell on us? you thought if you could get everyone to hate you that they just wouldn't care when you eventually took off of your own" Lauren shouted. 

"Lauren please i can't do this" Camila said turning and gripping the handle of her suitcase and started walking towards the bedroom door. 

"You have no choice Camila, i want answers" Lauren said standing behind her, holding onto the younger girls wrist to stop her from leaving. 

"I Can't give them to you" Camila looked down at the ground refusing to meet the green eyes gaze. 

"Why not?" Lauren asked her hand firmly staying on Camila's arm. 

"I Can't tell you that either" 

Camila stepped forward again and opened the bedroom door, Lauren's hand slipping from her arm as she made her way out into the hallway and towards the living room. 

"What's going on?" Dinah asked straight away. 

"I'm leaving fifth harmony" Camila held her head high and looked at her band members. 

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