Chapter 66

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I was reading over chapter 20 or something like that I just kept cringing! Oh god it's So cheesy! You guys enjoy this? Lol anyhoo..

Pretty hurts

Shine the light on whatever's worse

Perfection is the disease of a nation

Pretty hurts

Shine the light on whatever's worse

Tryna fix something

But you can't fix what you can't see

It's the soul that needs the surgery

Dinah walked out of her bedroom after talking with Normani, her earphones placed firmly in her ears as she sang along with Beyoncé, she made her way into the kitchen opening the fridge still singing along as she looked for something that she could eat.

Ally was sitting on the kitchen side watching her, speaking away but not realising that Dinah had her earphones in.

Dinah spun around with cheese, ham and eggs in her hands, jumping on the spot and dropping the food to the floor as she noticed Ally sitting on the countertop.

"Shit" She cursed looking down at the mess she made on the floor.

she pulled her earphones out wrapping them around her neck.

"Jesus christ Ally you scared the shit out of me"

"i didn't do anything" Ally defended herself.

"You snuck up on me and made me drop the eggs uggh and now they're all broke and i can't have an omelete" Dinah groaned bending down to pick up the carton of eggs which was now leaking with Egg whites and yolk, she walked over and threw it into the bin, picking up the kitchen roll on her way back to clean up what was left on the floor.

"techincally i've been here the whole time, i didn't realise you had headphones in"

"Seriously?" Dinah asked confused at the fact that she didn't even notice her sitting there.

Dinah bent to pick up the Ham and Cheese and placed it on the counter top next to Ally.

"Yupp" Ally nodded jumping down off the counter and walking over to the sink to get a dish cloth, she bent down next To dinah to wipe up the rest of the egg whites as Dinah threw away the used kitchen towels into the bin.

"i was clearly in my own little world" Dinah shrugged with a smile.

"you always are when you listen to Beyoncé" Ally rolled her eyes.

"What? Beyoncé? i heard Beyoncé" Normani said entering the room.

"You two are made for eachother" Ally rolled her eyes making her way out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

"where are you going?" Normani asked.

"To meet Beyoncé" Ally said seriously.

"don't joke about meeting the queen okay" Normani told her.

"who said i was joking?" Ally smirked closing the door behind her.

"WAIT! WHAT?" Normani and Dinah ran out of the front door and after Ally.

"i was joking" Ally laughed at the reaction she got from the girls.

"i hate you" Dinah groaned.

"no you don't but i can't believe you actually believed that, as if i know beyoncé" Ally shook her head still laughing to herself.

the girls ignored her and began to walk back towards the house.

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