Chapter 19

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OMG sorry guys!! I'm getting so bad with uploading everyday!! I'm constantly in my own little world on twitter! But I'll make this one like really cute well I'll try haha Camren coming up :)

Lauren's POV:

Me and Camila laughed as all the girls ran out of the room. 

"Don't you want to go get food baby?" I ask looking at Camila, her face buried in my neck. 

"I think we should just order room service and spend an entire day in bed" Camila smiles. 

"Hmm I think I like that idea baby" I grin. 

Camila smiles rolling over grabbing the phone laying it on my stomach before pressing the number one for room service.

Camila practically ordered everything you could possibly get from room service, i am sure our parents and Simon will want to kill us when the bill shows up, oops, Camila puts the phone back on the hook then turned to face me leaning on her elbow just starring at me. 

"What?" I eventually ask. 

"I love you in the mornings when you have no make up on, and your eyes are really green, you're seriously beautiful" she smiled. 

"N'awwww Ssshh" I said covering my face with my hand. 

"Lauren you know I hate that sound" she moaned.

"Sorry baby" I giggled kissing her forehead. 

Camila rested her head on my chest picking up my hand and playing with my fingers in silence, it wasn't awkward it was just relaxing and sweet. 

Camila jumped up from the bed after hearing someone knocking on the door, i shook my head watching her, she always gets so excited. 

Camila returned pushing a tray in front of her full of food.

I laughed as soon as I saw it.

"That was quick but really Camz? Why did you order so much food?" I chuckled sitting up in bed. 

"I get hungry" she shrugs. 

"You're cute, but you know we won't eat all of this right?" I smile shaking my head. 

"Oh i will, trust me" Camila grinned.  

We grab the food placing it all on the table in the room and sat down eating, I had scrambled eggs, with bacon and pancakes with syrup, I love my food, Camila has the same but a little bit more than me, I honestly don't know where that girl puts it, my eyes travel down her body and I stop and chuckling to myself.

"What?" She looks at me confused. 

"DAT ASS" I smirk. 

"Okay what?" Camila questioned still confused as to what i was talking about. 

"I was just thinking to myself where on earth you put all your food and well I answered my own question" I smirk and she blushes. 

"Oh my god Lo it's not that big" Camila spoke bashfully looking down at the table, lifting her hands to cover her face. 

"It is baby, but I love it" I grin. 

"I love it when you call me baby" Camila bit her lip, lifting her head to look at me. 

"I love calling you baby, baby" I laughed softly. 

She rolls her eyes at me and I just smile putting pancakes in my mouth.

"Baby I'm going to jump in the shower" Camila says after eating. 

"Why we're only gonna lay in bed all day" I told her. 

"I know but I want to smell nice" Camila grinned standing up and sliding her chair under the table. 

"Aww you're cute, but you already smell nice" 

"I'm still showering" she rolls her eyes. 

"Can I join you?" I wink.

"Lauren" she gasps hitting my arm causing me to laugh. 

"Kidding princess" I smile grabbing her hips pulling her body close to mine and pressing my lips lightly on hers. 

"Go get your cute butt in that shower" I smile biting her lower lip as I pull away.

She grins turning around swaying her hips shaking her big ass causing me to bite my lip.

"Very cruel Cabello" I shake my head. 

"Yupp" she giggles walking in the bathroom shutting the door. 

I decided to tidy the room up to kill time, after the room was tidy Camila was still in the bathroom and I was running out of things to occupy myself. 

I walked over to the door trying the handle and it was open I smirked walking in looking at the shower, the glass was all steamed up and she had her back to me but I could still perfectly see her beautiful butt.

She slowly turned around her eyes squeezed shut as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair giving me the perfect view of her breast, her eyes slowly opened and she jumped, her eyes going wide her arms flinging up to cover her chest as she finally realised I was in the room.

I fell about laughing at her reaction, oh god she's so cute but damn is she sexy in the nude, that body is just amazing, I bite my lip running my eyes over her body finally meeting her gaze again.

"Like what you see?" She asked an I nod. 

"Good because you won't be seeing it for awhile now get out" she said clearly pissed. 

"Caammzzzz" I moan. 

"Out Lauren" Camila said sternly. 

I pouted slowly walking out of the room shutting the door collapsing on the bed.

She came out 5 minutes later and avoided my eye contact at all cost until I caught her watching me in the mirror.

"Hey baby" I smile. 

"I can't believe you done that" she said shaking her head. 

"Babe come on don't be embarrassed that body is just out of this world, that ass is just magnificent, and your breasts god I just wanna hold them all day" I smile biting my lip causing her to blush a crimson red.

"Lolo shut up" she moaned. 

"Only speaking the truth beautiful" I grin standing up and walking behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You look so much better without a towel on" I whisper in her ear causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. 

"Lauren stop" she said firmly causing me to giggle. 

"Mmm you're so sexy when you're serious" I grin. 


"Okay okay I'm sorry" I held my hands up walking back to the bed. 

"Uh no shower, smelly woman" 

"You just wanna sneak in the bathroom and see me naked don't you, don't worry baby I've got nothing to hide, we can shower together if you want" I wink causing her cheeks to go a darker shade of red. 

"I'm not a perv like you" she said. 

"Oh yes you're just little miss innocent aren't you" I smirk smacking her ass playfully, pulling my top off leaving me in just my panties before walking into the bathroom leaving the door wide open.

I looked over my shoulder quickly to see Camila starring biting her lip, I smirked accomplishing what I wanted to do and slipped my panties down stepping in the shower Camila's eyes never leaving my back. 

Oh i so own her. 

To be continued...


Comment please :D

Lily x

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