Chapter 61

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Chloe's POV

Six o'clock arrived after hours of drifting off and waking up three minutes later; the corollary of not being cuddled into Harry's chest. Even without Harry beside me, he invaded my every thought, making it almost impossible to permit the hurt and mortification to leave my body. So many questions occupied my mind, another reason it was too arduous to fall asleep.

When I saw the smallest ounce of light shine through my curtains, I decided I'd give up lying in bed with absolutely no possibility of sleeping. So I got up. Six o'clock seemed like an okay time to get up, anyway, but my eyes were stinging with fatigue, and I wished I didn't need the security of Harry alongside me when I slept; it made sleeping too difficult, really.

Lethargically pushing the covers off me, I decided what I needed was a coffee; a proper coffee from Starbucks, not the vile instant shit we had in the cupboard. Without bothering too shower (my body too exhausted and drained to, anyway), I opened my closet, throwing on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I walked into my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, before pulling my hair up on top of my head. It was simple, very simple, but I was completely spent, my lack of sleep refusing to energize my body even the slightest.

My thongs were slipped onto my feet as I walked down the stairs of the quiet house. All I could hear was the faint chirping of the birds outside and the occasional car passing by, the driver on their way to work. I grabbed my keys from the bench and walked outside, the cool breeze whipping against my face, cooling me down somewhat and refreshing me. Summers in London weren't bad at all.

I pulled out of the drive and drove down the road towards the local Starbucks. The mobbing from the night earlier didn't cross my mind, my physically and emotionally drained mind not in the state to think clearly. Harry had asked me not to go out alone, and so had Paul, but the thought completely skipped my mind.

I parked the car out the front of the coffee shop, locking the car behind me as I exited. As I pushed the door to Starbucks open, I was immediately hit the warm smell of coffee, a scent that I loved a great deal. Walking up to the counter, I smiled at the young girl who'd been insolently asked to work at such an early time on a Sunday morning.

"Hi," I greeted her, mustering up the biggest smile I could at that point in time.

"Hello," she grinned, surprisingly cheery for such an early time. Her eyes widened after a couple of seconds and without realising it, she emitted a small gasp.

I furrowed my eyebrows for a second, before I realised she'd obviously recognised me, proving to me that once again, I was more known to the world than I thought I was. Biting down on my tongue to stop myself from saying something impolite at her sudden observation, I kept my smile on my face, attempting to show her I hadn't noticed she'd realised who I was.

"Uh, how can I help you?" She squeaked, her strong and confident eye contact faltering slightly.

"Can I get a Venti Café Latte, please?" I asked, ordering the largest size I could, in need of a great caffeine hit.

She nodded, tapping her finger against the screen in front of her. "That'll be three pounds."

I pulled five pounds from my pocket and handed it over to her, before I wrapped my hands around the change she gave me. She took my name, even though it was blatantly obvious she already knew, and wrote it on the cup, before giving the cup to the barista, whom had been waiting patiently for something to do.

A few minutes passed before my name was called, alerting me to grab my drink from the serving table. I picked up the warm cup, thanking the girls behind the counter, before opening the lid slightly, adding one sugar to the coffee, stirring it in, all before leaving the warmth of the coffee shop.

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