Chapter 6

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Chloe's POV

I sighed and walked downstairs, after staying in my room for half an hour, thinking about my incident with Harry earlier on. I walked into the lounge room and sat down next to Zayn on the couch.

"Are you okay, Chloe?" Asked Louis, studying my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled, attempting to cover up the hurt and intimidation I'd experianced with Harry.

"You sure? We heard Harry yelling before," said Zayn, looking at me concerned.

"Oh, I don't know what that was about. I'm fine though," I lied, smiling at them all. They just nodded and smiled back.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" I asked. The boys shook their heads and I smiled.

"I'll have to clean Niall's room later, if that's okay? It's disgraceful, Niall. I don't know how you can live like that," I teased, winking at him, my mood brightening. He laughed and shrugged.

"Chloe?" Asked Zayn.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Ever since you sang the other day, we've all wanted to sing with you. Do you want to sing a song with us?" He asked, smiling at me. I smiled back brightly and nodded.

"I'd love to!" I said, licking my lips.

"Should we sing one of our songs?" Asked Liam.

"Yeah, I know some of your new ones," I said, smiling at him.

"What one do you want to sing?" Asked Louis.

"I love 'You And I'. Can we sing that one?" I asked, standing up. The boys nodded and stood up too.

"I've actually practised the chords on my guitar. Do you want me to go get it?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I can play mine too!" Said Niall, getting excited.

"Why don't we just use the music room?" Asked Zayn. The boys shrugged and I nodded, wanting to play one of those expensive guitars again.

"Sounds like a plan," I said, smiling at them. We walked to the music room and Niall and I rushed over to the guitars. I grabbed the one I had used the day before and put the strap over my shoulder.

"Wait, what about Harry?" Asked Louis.

We stayed silent and I sighed. It was probably best we included him. He was apart of the band, anyway, and I'm sure he loved to sing with the boys. I didn't really want to be the one to go get him, but since I was the maid, I decided it was best I offered to do so.

"Do you want me to go get him?" I asked, placing the guitar down again.

"Yeah, we probably should include him in this," said Liam. I nodded and walked out of the room, and up to Harry's bedroom. I knocked on the door and took in a deep breath. The door opened and revealed a calm looking Harry.

"Oh, so you knocked this time?" He sneered. I looked down and sighed.

"Yeah, uh, the boys and I are going to sing a couple of your guys' songs in the music room, and we were wondering if you want to join?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Fine," he said, walking out and shutting the door behind him. We walked to the music room, Harry in front of me. He opened the door and walked in, the boys all smiling at him.

"Hey lads," said Harry, a small smile playing on his lips. I suprised to see that he actually smiled.

"Hey Haz," said Louis, patting him on the back. The boys handed him a microphone and I grabbed the guitar, placing it over my shoulder. I stood in front of the microphone, lowering it to my height.

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