Chapter 1

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(i edited this chapter ages ago bc i thought maybe people might think this book was okay but tbh it's still shit and this sort of writing doesn't start up again until like chapter 60. sorry lmao

thank you to anyone that ignored my a/n at the start of the book and actually continued on to read. you are my kind of people x)

Chloe's POV

My mornings were never pleasant. I was not once awoken from my slumber in a way that abled me to start my day off well. My step mum, Karen, was the equivalent to an alarm clock; every morning she woke me up by screaming vexatious requests at the top of her hastily aging lungs, and every single time I heard her voice in the morning, I would naturally cringe. The only way I could get her to fall silent was if I complied and did as she'd bluntly stipulated.

"Chloe, get up. I need a cuppa," urged Karen vociferously, from the first floor of the gargantuan house.

And, so it starts.

I leisurely and languidly raised my hands to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I let out a soft sight and sat up, leaning my elbows on my thighs. I dropped my hands to my cheeks and blinked numerous times, attempting to clear my vision.

My eyes scanned the area of the room, my body too lethargic and defiant to get up, but I knew if I wasn't out in the kitchen fulfilling Karen's orders, soon, I was going to have a small dilema. Frustrated with the matter of the morning, I pushed the warm covers off my legs and swung my limbs off the mattress, placing my feet on the crisp floor.

I started for the bathroom, running a hand through my disheveled bed hair, untangling a couple of knots that hard formed over the course of the night. I pushed my bathroom door open and turned on the lights. I squinted into the light, the brightness taking me a few seconds to adjust to.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and screwed my nose up at my horrid appearance, before I opened the glass door of the shower and turned on the hot tap first. I took a step back and stripped out of my clothes, chucking them on the floor beside the towel rack. My eyes flickered back to the mirror where they trailed down my naked torso and back up to my face. I had dark rings under my eyes, clearly indicating just how tired I really was.

It wasn't like I'd had a dreadful night's sleep, but the fact that Karen woke me up so early every morning, after making me work extremely hard the day before hand, and sending me to bed at the time of almost midnight, was taking its toll on my body. My sleeping pattern wasn't healthy, but I knew Karen didn't give it a shit, so I had learned to deal with it.

I chucked my hair up on my head, realising that I had only very little time, before Karen became a livid woman and barged in my room, yelling at me for taking so long and demanding that I went downstairs right away. Washing my hair would've taken way too long, considering my hair was thick and took me at least ten minutes to wash thoroughly, and I just didn't have the time, really.

I showered for a literal three minutes, soaping my body up, before rinsing it off and stepping out, drying myself with a towel. I prayed and wished for the day that I could take a shower that lasted for as long as I desired it to, with no time frame whatsoever, but I knew I was going to be waiting a shit load of time before that day finally arrived. I brushed my teeth quickly, before gargling mouth wash and rubbing the excess toothpaste off my chin and around my mouth with my towel.

My room was a little colder than the bathroom. The steam from my shower had created a lovely heat in the bathroom that had allowed me to feel comfortable. I opened my closet and pulled out a pair of high- waisted shorts and a cropped tee, that sat loosely around my torso. It was summer in Australia and the heat outside was almost unbareable, leaving me with no other option but to wear loose fitting and light weighted clothes. My white low cut Converse covered my feet and with that, I was done. I factually had no time for make-up and I certainly had no time to style my hair properly, so a messy bun was honestly the best I could've done.

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