Chapter 17

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Chloe's POV

I slammed the car door shut, a tear slipping down my cheek as I did so. I buckled up and quickly turned the engine on, avoiding Harry's stare through the windshield. I backed out of the driveway and quickly zoomed off down the road. I wiped the falling tears from my cheeks, cursing at myself. How could I be so stupid? How could I think he was actually changing? As they say; 'once a player, always a player'. I know he didn't know that I have feelings for him, but that still doesn't give him the right to freaking kiss me even though he likes me 'as a friend'. It's made me like him even more, but at the same time, absolutely hate his guts. God, he infuriates me.

The thing that hurts more than anything though, is that he was willing to kiss me (knowing the effects it could have on our friendship), and then think it's okay to fuck someone afterwards, like what we did meant nothing to him. It's cleared up the thought of him ever having feelings for me though, and now that I know that, it hurts. A lot.

I sniffled and furiously wiped the falling tears away. I like him, so much, but he isn't worth my tears. I shouldn't waste my tears on him, after I know nothing is never going to happen. I feel like such a fool for ever believing that I had a shot with him. Just because we flirted with each other, touched slightly, sang during random times of the day for fun, called each other 'extremely attractive friend' and told each other most things, doesn't mean I had a shot at all. Because all of that, is just a friendship. A friendship that would never mean anymore than that to Harry. A friendship that is now broken.

I soon pulled up at 'Coles' and parked the car in an empty spot. I turned off the engine and sighed, throwing my head back against the plush, black, leather seat behind me. I'm such an idiot. Now that I know what we had, keyword; had, is going nowhere, there isn't much I can do about it. I can't persuade him to like me. It's his choice and he sees me as a friend, when I see him as so much more. There is one thing that will devastate me more (if that's even possible) and that's for him to go back to having 'fuck buddies' or just different girls every night, just like before I came to London. Or if he treats like he did when we first met. That cold, harsh, mean side of him is something I never want to experience again. If that happens, well, it'll be my worst nightmare come true.

I pulled the visor down and slid the grey covering back from the small mirror. I wiped my cheeks, clearing them from any tears, and ran a hand through my hair, making myself look presentable. I mean, after all, an oversized sweater, scarf and ugg boots isn't really the most flattering look, so my hair has to be half decent at least.

I sighed and pushed the visor back up before grabbing my bag and opening the car door. I shut the door, locking it with my keys before sliding them into my bag. I walked across the car park and into 'Coles', grabbing a large trolley to drop all my groceries into. I headed straight for the bread and cake section. I grabbed two loaves of white, and two loaves of multigrain bread, seeing as Liam, Zayn and I like multigrain, whilst the other like white.

I placed them into the trolley, along with some blueberry muffins, knowing quite well that they were what Liam loved to snack on at night. I decided I'd be an extra nice person and chuck in some chocolate cupcakes for Niall. Honestly, that boy goes crazy for them!

I then went to the deli and grabbed some chicken, ham, salami and other kinds of meat, thinking they'd be good for lunch and dinner. I placed them into the trolley, heading to the fruit and vegetable section. This is where I find it the hardest to shop. You see, Liam and I try to get the boys to eat healthily, but we can't seem to get that 'you'll get fat' message through to their heads. Harry isn't too bad. He enjoys bananas and he usually has relatively healthy meals, but the others are absolutely hopeless. I honestly don't know how they stay in perfect shape.
I grabbed two bunches of bananas, one for Harry and one for me. Yeah, I like my bananas, almost as much as Harry. I smiled as I remembered when Harry and I had a banana eating contest, and I lost by one banana. He does have a big mouth though, he can fit a lot in there.

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