Chapter 36

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Chloe's POV

My eyes fluttered open to be met with the harsh glare of the sun, streaming in through the small gap between the curtains. I groaned and shut my eyes again, snuggling back into Harry's body. A small smile made its way upon my lips, as I realised Harry was still beside me, and still cuddling me. I kept my eyes closed, not trying to go back to sleep, just resting them, I guess. I had slept so well that night, and I don't know if it was just because Harry was there, or because it was a comfortable couch. I went with the first option, because I hadn't slept like that in a while.

A couple of minutes passed and I finally decided I should get up. I needed to get ready, but more importantly, I needed to pee. I attempted to wiggle my way out of Harry's grip, but his arm only tightened around me. Harry groaned from behind me, making me giggle.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his raspy morning voice giving me chills.

"I need to pee," I whispered, honestly.

He chuckled and loosened his grip on me. "Be quick."

I giggled and removed his hands from my torso. I stood up and stretched my hands in the air. I let out a yawn before making my way upstairs to my room. I pushed the door open and walked straight to the bathroom. I did my business, and washed my hands. As I did so, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and decided I needed to shower. My hair looked greasy and I was suddenly embarrassed by it, seeing as Harry had spent the night with my hair in his face.

I bit my lip as I turned on the taps, waiting for the water to change to the perfect temperature. I stripped off and stepped in. I washed my hair and body, feeling clean and refreshed. I stepped out and dried myself off, before quickly walking back to my room and stepping into some sweat pants and a loose t-shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair as I jogged down the stairs, knowing Harry was waiting for me to get back.

I smiled as I saw him still curled up on the couch, sleeping soundly. He had been working really hard at the studio, and it was nice to see him resting. That reminded me that the boys needed to get to the studio. I looked up at the clock to see it was eleven in the morning. My eyes widened and I knelt down beside Harry.

"Harry," I whispered.

"Mmm?" He grumbled, shifting slightly.

"Don't you guys need to go to the studio?" I asked gently.

"No. I told you last night that we get two weeks off, didn't I?" He asked, lazily opening one eye to look at me.

I chuckled. "No, you didn't, but it's okay."

"Good, now, come here," he mumbled, opening his arms.

I smiled and sat down on the couch, positioning myself so I was then lying in his arms. This time, I was facing him, my head buried in his chest. He entwined our legs like he did the night before, and pressed his body against mine even more- if that was actually possible. We were so close, that I could hear his heart beating.

"You hair smells good," he mumbled.

"Does it?" I giggled.

I felt him nod. "Mmm, I like it."

"Then I guess I'll continue to use this conditioner then."

"Yes, please do," he croaked, his voice groggy with sleep.

I giggled once more, craning my head upwards so it was resting against his shoulder, my lips brushing the skin of his neck. I felt him chuckle, and move his neck back slightly.

"That tickles," he whispered, opening his eyes to look at me. My heart swooned. He was ticklish.

"Does this?" I smirked, bringing my fingers up to poke his ribs. He jumped in place and his eyes widened, a raspy chuckle escaping his lips. He nodded and grabbed my hand before I attempted to do it again.

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