Chapter 82

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Chloe's POV

It was unusual, really, for me to find difficulty in the task of falling asleep. Under any normal circumstance, the second my head hit the pillow, I would've drifted off and welcomed the dreamland that was full of my wildest desires, but as I sat in the centre of Renee's spare bed with my back to the wall, I knew that it was a distinctly different scenario. Instead of succumbing to the exhaustion that was fighting a tough battle with my weary bones, I found myself awake with a mind consumed with the thought of one person; Harry Styles.

I'd made many attempts at trying to figure out why he'd done what he did and I'd spent hours upon hours pulling the situation apart, piece by piece, in hope that I'd find a small loophole somewhere that would prove him innocent. Although, my efforts were rendered futile when I found nothing but remnants of shattered promises that demonstrated his guilt and I failed to understand why he'd broken my heart. I wanted answers, but I couldn't find the strength within me to get them from him. His presence was of one I wouldn't be able to cope with, not when I would be reminded of the love we shared and would possess the knowledge that it had gone to waste.

I didn't know what time it was for I'd left my phone on the couch (I knew that if he called or texted, I would have felt inclined to pick up or read the messages and that would have only made me feel worse), but I assumed it was of an early hour in the morning. Fatigue had settled in long ago, but was it only within the last few minutes that I'd found myself somewhat delirious. Harry's smell began to invade my senses, almost as if had entwined itself within the thin cotton strands that made up the sheets around me, and my stomach dropped when it dawned on me that I would never smell something so beautifully enthralling ever again. As my throat tightened and a tear slid down my cheek, I could almost hear him comforting me in the silence. His words echoed throughout the confinement of the bedroom, ringing in my ears softly. He was everywhere when he wasn't and not only was it mentally affecting me, but also physically-the pain in my chest was apparent and a clear indication that he'd done a number on me.

There was a faint sting in my eyes from all the tears that had escaped them, while my veins burned beneath my skin, attempting to rid themselves of any traces of Harry. He'd managed to put a part of himself in every aspect of me and that was the most painful detail of it all. My body tried to deter any trace of him as if it were poison, but he had so deeply buried himself in my heart and life that it was almost impossible. In an attempt to escape the torture, I squeezed my eyes shut, but all the more tears painted my cheeks and as a result, a choked sob left my mouth. I was broken beyond repair and I couldn't rid myself of the cause.

My wretched sobs seemed to drown out any previous whispers of comfort that I'd found myself believing had come from Harry. God, I couldn't explain the pain that accompanied heartbreak, but I knew for sure that it was a ten-a solid ten. I'd lost the person I loved the most after he'd broken my heart for the final time and it was then that I vowed never to fall in love again, because although it may have been beautiful, the underlying ugliness of it all was what destroyed everyone in the end.

The fatigue was more apparent now for my eyes were struggling to stay open and my sobs were beginning to lose volume. I tried to fight it, because I knew that as soon as I drifted off, I would be consumed with the times in which Harry and I had been at our happiest and that would only make waking up the following morning all the more painful. Despite my efforts, my body slumped against the mattress and succumbed to the exhaustion, pulling me deep into unconsciousness.


"I love you," he told me, his long arms cradling me against his inked torso.

My eyes lifted from the large butterfly that sat upon his stomach and connected with his that were clouded with adoration.

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