Chapter 27

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Chloe's POV

"We always watch movies," I muttered, shoving the disc into the DVD player, after losing my argument on what do, with Harry.

"No, we don't," argued Harry, getting comfortable on the couch.

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes. I sat on the opposite end of the couch to Harry, crossing my legs.

"You still need to press play," said Harry, pointing to the play menu on the screen.

I groaned and looked around for the remote. I spotted it on the other side of the room. I glared at it, realising I'd have to get up from my comfortable spot on the couch.

"You might want to get it so you can press play," teased Harry, knowing I was annoyed.

"Or you could?" I sassed, turning my head to look at him.

"I'm sick. You can't make the sick one do anything," he pointed out, a smug smile tugging at his lips.

"You little shit," I muttered, pulling myself up from the couch and stomping over to the remote.

"Oi, that was rude," he feigned hurt.

"You'll live," I smiled sarcastically. He rolled his and chuckled deeply, pulling the blanket further over his bare torso.

"Hey, do you want a shirt?" I asked before I sat down.

"No, why? Is this too much for you to handle?" He asked, rubbing his chest over the blanket, sending me a wink.

"I can't even see your body, Harry. I was just thinking you might be warmer," I rolled my eyes again. He smirked and pulled the blanket off his body, revealing his tattooed skin.

"Is this too much for you to handle?" He asked again, pointing to his body. I quickly put my hands over my face and screamed.

"Oh my god, my eyes, my eyes! It hurts my eyes. Put it away!" I yelled, turning away from him.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny," he said dryly, making me turn around. A wore a smug smile and I crossed my arms over my chest. He pulled the blanket up again, and I let out a sigh.

"Damn, that was an ugly sight," I teased, sitting down and crossing my legs again.

"Whatever," he mumbled, looking at the TV. I laughed at his immaturity and got comfortable, pressing play with the remote.

I continued to laugh to myself and I stared at the TV. To be honest, I wished he would pull me into his arms and cuddle with me, just like he did the first time we kissed, but after everything we've been through, it just seems too soon. Some people might call me crazy for letting everything go so easily, but I don't think that they understand how strong my feelings are. It's not love, but it's definitely something strong.

I can't seem to hold grudges against him. I'm hopeless at that, and it's not a good trait of mine. I think we just need to wait before we start to act all "buddy buddy" again. I mean, I know he's trying to make it up to me, and prove he's truly sorry, and as much as I hate to say it, I think we just need to act normally. No cuddling or flirting. Nothing of that sort. It might just make things easier. I know that Harry and I cuddled this morning, but that was under different circumstances.

"Why did you pick this?" Groaned Harry from beside me. I smirked as 'She's The Man' started to play.

"Because it's a great movie," I replied.

"You're wrong there," he grumbled, staring at screen half heartedly.

"Whatever you say," I breathed, shaking my head. This kid amused me. He really did.

"Can't we watch something else?" He asked, looking at me again.


"You frustrate me," he mumbled under his breath.

"Feelings mutual," I chuckled, bringing my foot up to kick his foot softly.

"Ow?" He stated dumbly.

"Oops, my foot slipped," I shrugged.

"No, it didn't," he cried.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," I rolled my eyes.

"You know, there's like three things that make up your personality; sassy, sarcastic and bitchy. That's the only three," he joked, shaking his head.

I scoffed. "What about nice and sweet?"

"Mmm, sorry. I don't think that's apart of your personality," he teased.

"See, you're wrong there, but I'm going to let it go because I know I'll win that argument," I chuckled, eyes glued to the TV.

"I doubt it, but okay," he shrugged. "Explain my personality."

"Annoying and frustrating," I replied instantly.

"Hey, I am not annoying, nor frustrating," he argued.

"Mmm, sorry, but you are," I teased, now looking at him.

"Seriously, Chloe, explain my personality," he chuckled.

"Okay, well..." I started, honestly thinking of words to describe his personality. "You're amusing, sensitive, sweet, easily embarrassed, confident, silly... I don't know. I haven't witnessed all of you yet. But you're still annoying."

He chuckled and looked at me, eyes full of admiration. "Well, once I prove how sorry I am, I promise you'll have witnessed every side of me."

I smiled at him and bit my lip. "Good."

"You're adorable, clumsy, a neat freak, sensitive, shy but confident once you get to know someone, amusing... Oh, and you're still sassy and sarcastic," he winked.

I laughed and shook my head. "I guess once we get closer you'll know more about me as well."

"I guess I will," he smiled from his end of the couch. A couple of minutes of silence passed before I spoke up.

"We really suck at watching movies."

Harry laughed and nodded. "I know. Something always distracts us."

"It does," I agreed.

"Chloe..." He sighed.

"Mmm?" I replied, scared he was going to ask me something serious, from his tone of voice.

"Do you actually like this movie?" He breathed, shaking his head.

I started laughing- like, crazy laughing. I threw my head back and wrapped my hands across my stomach, holding it tightly. I could feel the tears squeezing from my eyes as I laughed, and I knew I was making an absolute fool of myself. I eventually calmed down, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"What was that?" Asked Harry from beside me, cheeks flushed from laughing along with me.

"Nothing," I chuckled again.

"Okay, whatever you say," he shook his head.

"But yeah, I do like this movie," I answered his question.

"It's horrible," he grumbled, staring at the screen in disbelief.

"You're annoying," I mumbled.

"You're bitchy," he retorted.

I glared at him slightly, before a bubble of laughter escaped my lips, as did one from his. Before we knew it, we were in our own little world laughing like absolute idiots on the comfortable leather couch.

A/N: Guys, if possible, could you please vote and comment on this chapter? I love getting feedback from you. It makes me day. So please? I'll love you forever.

Hope you like it <3 Xxx


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