Chapter 47

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Chloe's POV

Waking up, newly in love, was possibly one of the best feelings in the world. The bond Harry and I had, had become even closer as we slept face to face, all night. Our bodies were pressed against each other, but our faces were laying on the pillows. With every breath Harry took, he would exhale against my lips and I couldn't help but smile through most of the night, Harry's constant breathing a reminder of just how physically close we were.

Harry woke me up by pressing a gentle kiss to my lips, pulling me closer to his shirtless torso. I had slept with his shirt on that night, the material hugging my breasts and hips slightly, but hung loose around my stomach. It wasn't very long- the material ending a couple of inches under my bum. His shirt smelt like him and it was comfortable, though, so I didn't complain.

I smiled when I opened my eyes, for the first time in forever, waking up extremely happy, as if I was a morning person. Harry mumbled a husky 'good morning', before flipping us over so I was laying underneath him. He nuzzled his head into my crevice of my neck and tangled our legs. He grabbed my hands with his, entwining our fingers and resting them beside my head on the pillow. "I love you," he reminded me, the words muffled in my neck.

I smiled even brighter and felt the new erratic pace my heart had discovered after Harry had said those three words. I turned my head so my lips rested against his messy bed hair. "I love you, too."

I could tell he still couldn't believe I'd said it back, but I was shocked he'd even said it in the first place- not that I minded, of course. Harry had apologised profusely the night before, for making me cry, but I told him it was okay, due to his declaration of love for me. He literally reminded me that he loved me every ten minutes, but I honestly did not care. I loved hearing the words fall from his lips, and to know that he loved me literally meant the world to me. It was hard to believe that the beauty of a man that lay on top of me, was actually in love me- a maid.

"I'm going to tell you every day, okay?" Harry mumbled.

"Okay," I agreed, kissing his head lightly.

"But, you have to say it back," he chuckled.

"I promise," I whispered, giving his hands a squeeze. "I love you."

He laughed, squeezing back. "I love you, baby."

We lay like that for a couple of minutes, Harry's bare torso laying against my clothed one. I knew that the mornings with Harry were going to be my favourite things; waking up to him, showering with him, watching him get dressed and countless minutes of hearing him say he loved me. It wasn't something I was going to give up easily, and I hoped that I'd never have to.

"Shower with me, yeah?" Said Harry, lifting his head to look down at me.

"Mmm," I nodded, lazily smiling at him.

"Good," he smiled, leaning down to press a light kiss to my lips. I was at the point where I didn't care if he had morning breath; it just wasn't a big deal to me anymore.

Untangling our hands and legs, I coxed him up off me and watched as his nearly naked body hopped up from the bed. He stretched his arms into the air, his muscles flexing as he did so. I bit my lip as I watched him from my spot in the bed, and when I saw him smirk down at the ground, I knew he knew I was watching him. I giggled to myself and got out of bed, Harry's t-shirt dropping to its full length. I ran a hand through my messy waves, letting out a loud yawn, before stretching, just as Harry had done. As I raised my arms into the air, the hem of Harry's shirt came with them, allowing Harry to see my cotton panties.

"I love it when you wear my shirt," Harry chuckled, eyes glued to me.

"I love wearing your shirt," I winked, letting my arms fall to my sides, landing with a small 'slap'.

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