Chapter 3

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Chloe's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I yawned. I looked at the clock next to the bed and it said 3:00am. Ugh, stupid time zones. I rolled out of bed seeing as I knew I was already up, and I wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon. I decided I wanted to freshen up, seeing as I hadn't taken my make-up off latst night or changed out of the clothes. It wasn't like I wore the clothes for the whole day, but I still wanted to change out of them.

I walked into the bathroom that was attached to my room and turned on the shower. I stripped out of my dirty clothes and threw them into the hamper, before stepping into the steamy shower. The hot water ran down my body, creating goose bumps on my skin. I let my hair get wet and I soaked in the water for a few minutes. I grabbed the shampoo and put it on my head, scratching my scalp as I massaged it through my hair. Once I made sure I had gotten the shampoo down to the roots, I rinsed it out. I then grabbed the conditioner and repeated my actions. Once I rinsed it out, I washed my body thoroughly .

I was soon done in the shower and I stepped out, the cold air hitting me like a tone of bricks. I shivered and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my body. I quickly dried off and squeezed the water out of my hair. I walked over to my beauty case and pulled out my make-up. I applied some light BB Cream along with some mascara. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy side braid, letting it fall down my shoulders.

I tightened my grip on the towel and walked into my room. I opened my suitcases and picked out an outfit for the day. It was winter in London and pretty damn cold from what I could gather. I pulled on some simple black skinny jeans and a grey sweater with 'Sweater Weather is Better Weather' printed on the front in white lettering. My grey ugg knitted ugg boots were matched with the outfit, before I went back to bathroom to hang my towel up. I looked at the clock and it read 4:45am, letting me know I'd been up for an hour and fifteen minutes. I decided it'd be best if I unpacked everything and set up my room.

I unpacked all my clothes, placing them in the large walk in robe. My clothes only took up half of the closet, and I decided I was to go shopping one day, to attempt to fill the large closet. I unpacked my beauty products and stacked them on the shelves in the bathroom. Once I was done, it was 6:00am. I decided that it's early enough to go downstairs and make everyone some breakfast.

I walked out of my room, down the glass walled hall and down the stairs. I got to another large room that I hadn't even seen before. I decided to turn left and see where that took me. I ended up in another hall which had only one door. Being my curious self, I decided to open the door and see what was inside the room.

The door opened slowly and I smiled as I saw a huge music room full of instruments and microphones. I looked behind me to see if anyone was there, and quickly walked over to the expensive acoustic guitars. I picked it up and traced the outline of the wood, and smiled. I'd never held such an expensive guitar, let alone play one. I took it over to the microphones and I put the strap over my shoulder. I turned the volume on the microphone down and I started to strum the first cords of Katy Perry's 'The One That Got Away'.

"Summer after high school when we first met, we'd make out in your Mustang to Radio Head. And on my eighteenth birthday we got matching tattoos. Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof. Talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you. In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world. In another life, I would make you stay, so I don't have to say you were the one that got away. The one that got away," I sang, my eyes closed as I strummed the guitar.

I continued to sing until I finished the song. I smiled to myself and pulled the guitar off my shoulder and looked up, only to see a figure standing at the door way.

"What are you doing in here?" Asked a deep and raspy voice, that I recognised as Harry's.

"Uhm, I-I was looking for the kitchen," I stuttered, quickly placing the guitar down.

"Yeah, it sure looks like it," said Harry, rolling his eyes.

"I was, but I got lost and found this room," I mumbled, looking down, quite embarrassed.

"Well, you're not supposed to be in here," he grumbled, glaring at me.

"Sorry," I whispered, biting my lip. I heard Harry sigh and I could tell he was rolling his eyes. What was his problem? He didn't have to be so rude.

"Can you tell me where the kitchen is?" I asked, looking back up.

"Fine," mumbled Harry, turning around and walking out of the room. I quickly followed him and memorised how to get to the kitchen. We finally entered the kitchen and I walked over to the fridge.

"What do you boys usually eat for breakf- oh," I said, looking into the fridge that was empty except for butter and cans of soft drink.

"I'm going to have to go shopping," I mumbled.

"Well, off you go then. When you come back I have something for you to do," said Harry, sitting down at the bench.

"Uh, okay. Would you like to come to the shops?" I offered, expecting him to say 'no'. He just scoffed and shook his head.

"That's not my job anymore. That's yours, because you're the maid and you now do everything for us around here," said Harry, letting out a bitter laugh.

"Okay, you don't have to be so rude about it," I spat, glaring at him.

"Watch your tone. I'm in charge of you here and I could easily fire you. So I would watch it, because I can tell you need the money," he hissed, referring to my choice in clothing. I looked at him shocked that he would actually say something like that.

"Wow, you really are a stuck up popstar," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"What was that?" He sneered, standing up.

"I said you're a stuck up popstar. Can you not see the way you're acting? The other boys were so sweet to me when I arrived, yet here you are acting like you're fucking royalty," I hissed, sending him a death glare.

"Watch your tone with me, bitch," he spat, glaring back at me just as hard. My mouth fell open in shock and I blinked a couple of times.

"You're just like Karen," I whispered, looking down.

"What was that?" he hissed.

"Nothing," I whispered, tears filling my eyes. I held in them in, wanting to look strong. "I'm going shopping. Let the other boys know where I am."

I turned around and grabbed the card that was on the bench that was for all their food and supplies. I snatched up the keys Liam had left on the bench as well and walked away, down to the door.

I couldn't believe he had said that. He was exactly like Karen; bossy, rude and mean. I thought coming to London would be a whole new start for me, but he was making it just as hard as Karen did.

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