Chapter 19

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Chloe's POV

I briskly walked down the park path, getting a head start on Harry. I let my feet move quickly as I bit the inside of my mouth, trying not to let the tears fall. I seriously have to stop crying in front of him. I look like an absolute baby and he's only getting satisfaction out of me crying, so I have to stop. I kept my stare on my feet, watching as I quickly moved one in front of the other. I soon ended up at the entrance of the park. I looked from side to side, not seeing Harry's Range Rover anywhere.

"I parked in the street over," he said from behind me. I nodded and walked forward quickly, not wanting to be anywhere near him at the moment.

I made my way down the street, keeping to myself. I played with my fingers, picking at the skin covering the slightest bit of my nail. I heard Harry walking behind me, his breathing louder than usual. I sighed to myself and continued to walk down the street. My eyes were locked on the spring flowers that were sprouting in the ground, making the sidewalks look lively and pretty. I stopped and bent down, picking up a small daisy that I could see in the light from the streetlights above. I saw Harry walk past me and look at me as I picked the flower. I brought the flower to my nose, inhaling it's beautiful scent. I stood back up and slowly trailed behind Harry, picking the petals off the flower. I dropped them to the ground, one by one, and watched as they hit the pavement. I continued to pick the petals off the flower until they were gone and all that was left in my hand was a flower stem and the yellow circle in the middle.

"The car's just here," mumbled Harry, crossing the road. I followed, looking out for cars. I heard Harry unlock the car and he hopped in his door.

I'm surprised Harry left it out here, knowing what could happen to it. I mean, someone could of vandalised it, and if they did, I know Harry would completely rage. I opened my door and slid into the car, inhaling the unique scent his car had. It was a mix of that new car smell along with the smell of Harry's cologne. It was quite nice to be honest. I got comfortable in the plush leather seats before buckling up. Harry started the engine, pulling out from the spot on the side of the road. I don't know how he avoided paparazzi tonight. They seem to follow him everywhere, but I'm grateful he did, otherwise I would've been all over the tabloids and I don't want that. I can just see it now 'Harry Styles picks up crying mystery girl from park and takes her home'. No, that can't happen.

I stared out the window, watching as the world of London flashed by. I smiled at a teenage couple that walked through the night, holding hands and bumping each others hips every once in a while. That is a relationship I'd like to have. It's cute. The radio suddenly turned on and music filled the car. I looked over to see Harry putting his hand back on the steering wheel, confirming he turned it on. I'm glad he did, because the silence was quite awkward. I sang along softly to the songs that flowed through the speakers, as did he. We avoided looking at each other the whole ride, almost as like we were driving alone. When Harry pulled up at home, I quickly jumped out of the car, not being able to handle another minute with him.

I rushed to the door and pulled it open, briskly walking inside. I pulled off my shoes and left them at the front door, continuing to walk inside. I heard the front door open again from behind me, letting me know Harry was now inside. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the cupboard, filling it up with water. A loud thumping of footsteps was heard and soon four frazzled and worried looking boys entered the kitchen.

"Chloe, oh my god, where were you?"

"Are you okay?"

"We were so worried!"

"You can't just leave like that!"

I chuckled lowly as they fussed over me. I put my hands up telling them to quiet down. I turned and emptied my cup of water in the sink before looking back at the boys.

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