Chapter 43

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A/N: Didn't want to ruin the mood at the end of this chapter, so I'm writing my note here. So, I wanted to say 'thankyou' to all my readers. This book's got over 40k reads now, which is amazing. I just wanted to say one thing, though: don't be a ghost reader! Vote and comment, please. If you don't want to, then, yeah... This note was pointless, then. Haha, anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy. Love you all. xx


Chloe's POV

Harry drove down the lightened streets of London with the windows down, the mild night air filling the car, warming my skin. Harry's hand rested on my thigh for most of the trip, occasionally removing it to who two hands to drive when turning a corner. Harry was nervous, very nervous. It was noticeable, because every time I'd speak he'd reply with short, mumbled answers, and he gnawed on his lip harshly for over half of the trip. I hadn't really been paying much attention to where we were going, because I was so focused on Harry. Nervous Harry was adorable, and something that I didn't see too often. He was usually so outgoing and confident, but when it came to down to earth things, like dates and feelings, he was always nervous, but willing to share or show me anything.

I smiled when Harry's hand squeezed my thigh, so in reply, I squeezed his hand. I looked out the window, the wind breezing through my hair, making it fly behind me. I closed my eyes and let the air hit my face. I was enjoying the warmer weather; I didn't like cold weather.

"We have to get out and walk a little bit," said Harry, stopping the car in an overly familiar space.

"Okay," I nodded, studying the scenery around me.

Harry got out and opened my door, before grabbing my hand and leading me up a large grassy hill. I frowned a little, knowing I'd been to the very place before. I looked up and Harry who was watching me. He had a small smirk on his face, and I think it was because he knew I had a sense of familiarity with the place. We walked up the steep grassy hill, and when we got to the top, I saw the other side filled with flowers, a lone tree standing at the bottom.

Harry's tree. Harry's place.

I knew where we were and I felt my stomach swarm with butterflies when I saw the trunk of the tree covered in fairy lights, and a hammock hanging from the branch, along with a ute parked next to the tree, the back of it filled with pillows and what looked to be a mattress. I looked up to Harry and grinned, proud of the effort that he had gone to to decorate the place.

I let out an excited laugh and dragged him down the hill. Harry chuckled from next to me, jogging slightly as we made our way down the hill. I stopped next to the ute that he'd parked under the tree, wondering where he'd actually gotten the ute from. My eyes scanned the sight before me and my smile widened. I gripped his hand tighter, before looking back up at him.

"Harry, this looks beautiful," I breathed. It truly did. The lights around the trunk of the tree twinkled in the night sky, lighting up most of the area around the tree. The ute had been ever so carefully parked directly under the branches and the hammock hung on the other side.

Harry cleared his throat and sent me a small, nervous smile. "Uhm, well, I thought we could, like, hang out in the hammock, then maybe watch a movie on my laptop in the ute or something, and then sleep in the ute too, under the stars?"

"That sounds perfect," I whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to the bottom of his jaw line.

"Really?" He asked, his voice low and holding complete innocence.

"Yes, Harry," I confirmed, a small laugh breaking through.

He smiled, before wrapping his arms around me in a small hug, and then leading me over to the hammock. "I have food in the ute, so just wait, like, two seconds."

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