Chapter 25 *Posted Again*

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A/N: Hi all, so, I got some inboxes telling me that a few of you girlies couldn't access the chapter on your phones, so I'm posting it again, hoping it works this time 'round. Enjoy if you haven't read already, and sorry to those who have. Xx

Chloe's POV

Weeks passed and things were different. I hadn't cried once and we were all getting along. Everything said and done was friendly and the house was lively.

Harry hasn't said one word to me the whole time, just glanced at me with soft eyes, nothing like the glares and harsh gazes I'd received before. He didn't seem himself. He was moping around the house, and the only contact he made with anyone was when the boys had to go to the studio. We were all worried about him, and yes, I mean all. I was genuinely worried about him. I mean, I still like him a lot, not that I want to, and I sort of want to be the one to help him out. I just haven't had the courage to ask him of he was okay.

My paychecks continue to roll in, filling my bank account. It's been handy having the extra cash. Renee and I have made good use of it.

I walked down the stairs in a hurry, trying to catch the boys before they left for the studio.

"Guys!" I yelled, turning the corner, skidding slightly from my black socks.

I caught Zayn just as he opened the door, startling him and the other boys.

"Guys," I breathed, leaning against the door and closing it.

"What is it?" Asked Zayn, stifling a chuckle at my current state.

"I need to know when you get back," I breathed.

"We'll be getting back around six, why?" Asked Liam.

"You didn't tell me, that's all. I just need to know what time I have to make dinner for."

"Oh, okay. Well six," smiled Zayn.

"You look like you ran a bloody marathon, Chloe, yet you only ran down the stairs," chucked Niall.

"Shut up, the house is big," I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Someone needs to get fitter," he sang. I scoffed and poked his hard stomach.

"Says you," I winked.

"Oi, I have abs made of steel," he smirked, rubbing his stomach.

"And so do I," I laughed, rubbing my stomach.

"Okay, come on, Niall. We gotta go," chuckled Liam, amused by our friendly banter.

"But Harry's not here," said Louis.

"Oh," said Niall, looking around. Sure enough, Harry wasn't there.

"I'll go get him?" I offered.

"Could you?" Asked Liam. "We really gotta go."

"Yeah, it's fine," I smiled, turning and jogging up the stairs towards Harry's room.

I knocked on his door and waited for his response. After a few minutes I still had no reply, so I entered slowly and cautiously. I peered at his bed, and smiled slightly as I saw him tucked under the covers, sleeping peacefully.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside him. He shifted to his side so that his torso was pressed against my lower back. His hands hung off the side of the bed, and his curls hung over his face. I studied his godly face and frowned slightly. A line of sweat covered his hair line and his skin was extremely pale. His breathing was a little shaky and I realised he was probably sick.

"Harry," I whispered, pressing my hand against his bare shoulder. He stirred slightly and his eyes fluttered open.

His eyes locked with line and he jumped, obviously getting a fright. I chucked slightly and stood up.

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