Chapter Plans

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Chapter 84: Chloe's phone rings and she answers it, because it's an unknown number. It's Harry, drunk, crying and screaming through the phone that he loves her, he needs her, he's sorry and that he doesn't want to live without her by his side. She can hear the boys in the background telling him to calm down, but he just screams in pain and chokes on his sobs. The last thing she hears is him sob that he loves her, before the phone is shut off abruptly. Chloe sits there silently with tears streaming down her face. She thinks about the way he's hurting and how her leaving him has affected him badly, but she realises that it wouldn't have happened if he had of told her the truth. It's not her fault, it's his. Renee comes back and sees her crying and asks her what's wrong? And Chloe tells her what happened and Renee sighs and tells her that you're both dealing with it the same way, because they both love each other. She tells Chloe that he's made mistakes and Chloe's in the right to not trust him anymore, but he does love her. It's clear. Chloe goes and pees and brushes her teeth and then goes to sleep, thinking about Harry.

Chapter 85: They go home and Chloe decides it's time for her to go and get her stuff from the house. She knows the boys go to the studio on that day so she goes over with Matty's truck and goes up to her room to collect her stuff. Along the way, she finds boxes and realises the boys are packing and getting ready to move. It makes her sad, but also confuses her because she thought they were staying there a couple more months. She shoves the stuff in her room into bags, because it's been untouched. She then takes a deep breath and walks into Harry's room where she finds him asleep on the bed. She looks at him clutching the pillow so tightly and then hears him muttering her name in his sleep. He then flinches multiple times and lets out a strangled cry, before he shoots up off the bed, breathing deeply and panting. He sees Chloe and jumps off the bed and rushes towards her. She takes a few steps back and tells him she didn't think he would be there. He asks her why she's there and she tells him she's getting her stuff. She sees his face drop and feels bad for it, but understands that it needs to happen. She couldn't help herself when she asked him, why are there boxes everywhere? Harry tells her that he had the meeting with Tania moved to an earlier date (two days ago) and he's moving in the following week after he pulled some strings. He also picked up his record player. The boys scored their houses earlier as well and they're all going to be out of the house by the end of next week. The day is the last they will be at the studio for a bit while they pack and move houses. She feels sad, because she's made so many memories in the house, but she knows she has to let go. She nods and then says she has to continue packing and Harry tells her she shouldn't and then pleads for her to stay with him and that he's sorry. He ends up crying again and so does she, but she says she can't take it anymore. She can't trust him and that she's completely done with him. Before she can realise what's happening, he rushes to her and hugs her while he cries into her neck. He whispers, I love you, Chloe. Please. You said you'd never leave me. You said you were mine. She tells him, I said I would never leave you if you didn't give me a reason to and you did. She pushes him off and locks herself in the bathroom while she packs her stuff. She does it all and then pushes past him and rushes to her car. She drives away while he stands there watching and crying. She goes back to Renee's (fucking bitch in real life omg) with tears in her eyes.

Chapter 86: Chloe looks into the university courses available (ends up doing music production with creative writing, as she will write songs, play them and help with the recording of them) because she wants to get her life on track. It's the time of the year when people are to apply, so she looks into music and creative writings courses, because she's good with words. She has no idea what she truly wants to do, but she susses it all out with Renee and they talk about it and stuff. She decides she might wait another year so she has time to think about it. They talk about her living situation and stuff and Chloe doesn't know what she's going to do. She offers to stay at a hotel so she's out of their hair, but Renee says no and that she doesn't want to talk about depressing things anymore. They decide to go out and do girly thinks-go shopping, get manis/pedis. Then they buy a shitload of food and come back home and eat it all while watching Netflix. The movies remind her of Harry and she gets all sad about it, but holds it in and then they go to sleep. She wakes up in the morning to a phone call and see's it's Louis. She answers it and he tells her that Harry is so fucked up and he won't do anything and every time he sings he chokes or cries. He's a mess and shit. Chloe asks him why he's telling her this and he says, because he wants her to talk to him. She tells him it's selfish, because she's supposed to be getting over him and this isn't helping, and she also tells him that she feels betrayed by the boys, because they knew all along and didn't say anything. They end the call after Louis apologises and tells her to think about it. She's annoyed that Louis has asked her to do such a thing, because she is supposed to be trying to move on, but she can't when people and things always remind her of Harry or tell her he's hurting. He's not the only one hurting, she is too.

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