Chapter 81

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Chloe's POV

The cold ran mixed with the warm tears that were streaming down my cheeks, contrasting perfectly. Chilling winds slapped against my skin as my feet carried me down the busy streets of London, the rain soaking the material that had previously adorned my body well. The most confronting part was over; fleeing the paps. I'd made it past their shouting and flashing cameras within seconds as they seemingly hadn't suspected such a hasty exit, but I knew they possessed snapshots that would have made a great headline the following day. While passing the paparazzi had been distressing, it didn't seem to be anything close to the utter heartbreak and anguish that was quickly drowning me in all its glory. While stumbling down the cold, wet sidewalk, I was reminded with each step that I was being swallowed by such overwhelming feelings all because I'd lost the person I'd intended to keep.

Harry hadn't made the effort to rush after me, but I suspected it was due to being shocked and that he was still trying to digest the undeniable fact that he'd lost the game he was trying to play, and in the midst of it all, he'd lost me as well. It wasn't supposed to end that way. It wasn't supposed to end at all, really, but it had and in the most gut-wrenching way that it pained me to the core. I couldn't believe I'd been so foolish that I failed to see every lie he'd ever fed me, but I found that it had been the way I was blinded by love and couldn't manage to see the bad in the person I fell so deeply for. Sure, I'd recognised his anger issues and made note of his many hurtful jabs, but never had I expected Harry to feed me countless lies in hope to keep stringing me along. Maybe he would have dropped me before we moved in together and left me stranded on the streets. Who knew? I didn't know what he was capable of, after everything I'd understood him to be was a lie.

I was in search of a taxi or any transport, really. All I wanted to do was get back to the house and pack up my items, before the boys got home-if they got home. I had no clue whether they would come barging in and ask me to stay or if they would leave it all be. Although, it hadn't been entirely their fault, a part of me couldn't help but feel betrayed, for they surely had to have known about Harry's past with Kendall and had failed to tell me. Instead of telling me something was up, they watched me shed countless tears and waste smiles and laughter all for a person who didn't deserve them. It pained me to know that all the people I trusted had lied or left me in the dark.

Trying to see past the rain that pricked my eyes was difficult and keeping myself from shivering in the cold was harder, but I'd managed to do alright considering my lack of energy. Somehow, in the chaos-like weather that surrounded me, I managed to spot a cab parked on the sidewalk, next to a taxi drop off zone. A couple were hastily making their way out of the vehicle and I found myself deciding that if I pushed myself down the sidewalk a few more metres, that cab would be my ticket home. Everything was aching, my chest, my heart and my legs due to my recent adrenalin rush that had taken place as I escaped the building that enclosed the person I had shed too many tears for. Despite the physical pain I was putting myself through; I quickened my pace and ignored the burning in my legs as I advanced towards my ride home. Just as the doors closed behind the couple who were rushing towards the building opposite them, my hands collided with the sleek black paint that covered the cars surface. I dearly hoped that my tears and the rain had combined to the point that it hadn't been noticeable that I was crying as I yanked the door open and bent down to speak to the driver.

"I need a lift home, please," I choked out, hoping to sound casual, yet I cringed at the way I sounded like a broken little girl.

The driver blinked at me and crinkled his nose, before he averted his eyes down to the clock that sat above the buttons that controlled the cars radio. "I can spare you ten minutes, but that's all; I've been called to another house."

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