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Hazel froze. She couldn't move. How come Piper always had to get hurt? She was her best friend, and now she was dying again. Hazel refused to watch it happen again, helpless. So she burried her face into Frank's shirt again. "No! Percy you said it would last a couple hours! Not minutes!" Jason shouted, frantically trying to look for something he could do to save Piper. Percy didn't answer, but he just shook his head sadly, a tear tracing a line down his face.

"Do it Percy!" Annabeth cried, more tears sliding down her face.

"B--but you--" Percy stuttered, looking worried.

"Just do it!" Annabeth shouted. "She's not going to die again if we can help it!"

Percy sighed, closing his eyes. He put his hand on Piper's injured arm, concentrating hard. After a while he growled in frustration. "It's not working!" But as soon as he said it, the poison started to come out of Piper's arm while she started panting heavily, her forehead glistening with sweat. Then her heartbeat started to slow back to normal.

They all gasped, Jason with a flicker of hope in his eyes. Percy held out his hand again and the poison started to collect in a ball, mid-air. Once all the poison was out of Piper's arm and in the ball, Percy made a swiping motion with his hand and the ball of poison was thrown clear out the window.

Hazel smiled wildly. "Percy! How did you do that!" She gasped.

"Just how awesome I am!" Percy laughed.

"Yeah, I just lended Percy some of my awesomeness for a little while!" Leo joked. "Anyone else need some, call me!"

"I could use some right now." Piper groaned, opening her eyes.

"Pipes!" Jason smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Hey, Sparky. I'm fi-- ow!" Piper gasped, clutching her arm. "What happened?"

"Piper, were so sorry!" Ananbeth apologized. "We should've known it was you."

"Hey, you were just being cautious. It's not your fault." Piper smiled weakly.

"Wait, Hazel how did you know?" Jason asked, obviously confused. Hazel smiled, remembering how she did it. It was such a silly idea.

"Uh, I asked her if she was okay." Hazel smiled. They looked at her, confused. "And she said she was fine."

Everyone broke into laughter, obviously getting the point.

"Oh my Gods! Are you serious!?" Piper laughed along with everyone else.

"It was the only thing I could think of!" Hazel smiled.

After they all stopped laughing, they headed for the mess hall for some supper. And of course, Jason wouldn't let Piper leave the infirmary until she was absolutely fine, so Hazel volunteered to stay and keep her company, even though Piper was sound asleep.

Hazel just sat there, staring at the wall for what seemed like ages. She couldn't help but wonder if Gaea would actually rise... But Hazel didn't want to think about it.

Piper's loud gasp broke her out of thought. Hazel looked at her, but she was still sleeping. Hazel noticed Piper's fast breaths and sweating forehead, so she decided to wake her up. She shook her shoulder gently, but when she didn't wake up, she shook harder. Hazel started to panic. Why wasn't Piper waking up?

Hazel shook her gently this time, not wanting to hurt her. Piper's eyes flung open, and she sat up quickly, putting her head in her hands.

"Are you okay?" Hazel asked concerned.

Piper nodded. "J--just dreams of... you know." Piper stammered, staring at the floor.

Hazel held back the urge to ask her what happened down in Tartarus. "Um... do you... want to talk about it?" She attemped.

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