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Luke just stared in open mouthed shock as the arrow spun towards Annabeth. Things seemed to go in slow motion. Luke ran towards Annabeth to take the arrow, but before he could, Piper ran up from the deck and jumped in front of Annabeth instead. Everyone gasped as the arrow sunk into Piper's chest. She collapsed to the deck, motionless.

"Piper!" Annabeth shouted crouching down next to Piper. And in one millisecond, Hazel, Frank, Percy, and himself were all kneeling next to Piper's bleeding body. "Oh my Gods! Somebody get some ambrosia, quick!"

Luke jumped to his feet, and ran down to the infirmary. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He kicked, and kicked at the door, but it wouldn't budge. He growled in frustration, and ran back up to the deck. Apperently Jason had come up from below deck, because he was holding Piper's hand, yelling at Annabeth at the same time.

"Annabeth! Why did you let her do that?! What in Hades name is wrong with you!?" Jason yelled at Annabeth.

"I--I didn't--" Annabeth stuttered, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Blah Blah Blah! Who cares!? I sure don't!" Luke turned his head to see Chrysler standing in the crows nest, sneering down at them. Suddenly, Luke felt furious. Piper was his friend, and she was dying! Chrysler didn't even care! Luke felt like he was going to explode with anger. He was going to kill Chrysler.

Luke growled in anger, pulling out his sword. He ran over to the mast, and began to climb up to the crows nest. Chrysler spotted him, and began to shoot arrows down. Luckily, Luke was too quick for him to shoot, but he got tired fast.

Chrysler caught Luke off gaurd for a millisecond, and made a lucky shot. The arrow stuck into Luke's arm, and he almost fell from fifty feet up on the mast, but he somehow managed to hold on. Chrysler aimed another arrow, and it pierced Luke's other arm.

"Luke!" Annabeth shouted.

Luke shouted in pain, and his fingers slipped, sending him tumbling through the air. Luke didn't want to die like this. He at least wanted to kill Chrysler first. Luke spun in midair, and chucked his sword straight at him.

Luke saw the sword plunge into Chrysler's chest, and he fell towards the ocean, screaming in agony. Luke was still falling, he was heading straight towards the deck. If he hit the deck too hard, Luke knew that it would kill him instantly. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the impact, but he actually started to slow down.

He opened his eyes, and realized that he was slowly being lowered onto the deck by Jason. Luke forgot that he could control the winds, and he was very grateful for it. Jason set Luke down, and Annabeth came running over to him. Percy came over too, but he didn't look like he cared that Luke was hurt. He looked like he cared that Annabeth cared that he was hurt. Luke needed to stop overthinking things. It hurt his brain.

"Luke! Oh Gods, are you okay!?!" Annabeth gased, looking at his bleeding wounds.

Luke smiled. "I'm fine, Annabeth! Don't worry about me! Worry about Piper. Is she okay Jason?" Luke said sitting up slowly.

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