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Annabeth had called for meeting in the mess hall for lunch. Surprisingly, everyone came. Even Jason. He looked absolutely torn. His face was blotted with tears, his hair was long and pointing in every direction, and most scary of all... 

He had a look of furious rage. 

It scared her most because she thought that Jason was mad at her. She was terrified that he would zap her with lightning in total rage. 

"So..." Leo trailed off snapping Annabeth back into reality. "Annabeth, you called this meeting? There's a reason why right?" Leo continued. But as soon as he said it she could see he regretted it. 

Thunder crackled, startling Annabeth. A miniature storm cloud formed over the seve-- Annabeth stopped herself in mid thought. Six demigods she corrected herself. 

Jason's stormy eyes stared into Leo's "What's that Valdez?" 

"I just--" He started, but Jason inturupted him angrily.

"OH! SO PIPER'S DEATH IS NOT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON FOR YOU?! SO SHE WAS NOT IMPORTANT?! SO SHE DIDN'T MATTER?! SO SHE.... so she.... she." Jason burst into tears and ran out of the room. Leo stood up to follow him but Percy interviened. "Let him cool down a few notches. Give him some time."

Oh no! A woman's voice rang out in the room. How sad this is! The woman's voice rang with false sympathy.

How very sad! Gaea laughed. I awake on the feast of Spes, and your already falling apart! 

It was then that Annabeth realized, Hazel was gone. Percy must have realized it at the same time, because he said, "Uh are we missing Hazel?" 

Frank shot up wincing at the movement. When he had passed out on the deck fighting the aura had managed to break a few ribs before Piper... 

Annabeth looked down at the table. She still couldn't believe she was gone. She refused to believe it. Over the last month they had gotten to be really good friends. 

Frank stalked to the doorway only to knock incoming Jason down. Frank helped him up and ran into the hall. After a few minutes he came back with Hazel in his arms. Frank put her down gently, shook her shoulders, and checked her pulse. 

"N-nothing." Frank stuttered, his eyes tearing up. 

At that moment Annabeth heard a voice ring through the room. 

It would be a shame if poor Hazel was to die... Again.

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