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Jason banged furiously on the wooden doors, hearing the screams of pain coming from the deck.

"Piper!" He yelled, thrusting his shoulder into the locked doors. "Are you okay?!"

Jason heard a whizzing sound, like an arrow flying through the air, followed by a soft thump of something banging into the deck. Then everything was silent. "Piper?" Jason called reluctantly, his heart skipping a beat.

Jason heard a set of feet scraping across the deck and then the doors unlocked to reveal Percy, his face shell-shocked. "What happened?!" Jason asked furiously, grabbing Percy by the collar. He just shook his head, his sea green eyes filled with alarm. Jason burst past him, storming onto the deck.

Tears formed in his eyes when he saw Piper's unconscious body laying limp on the deck. Her ran to her side, almost immediately checking for a pulse. He waited.


He waited again.

Still nothing.

Tears streamed down his face, the thought of losing something he couldn't replace making his mind flare with anguish. Then he felt the soft 'thump' of a heartbeat pulse through her vein, making him cry even harder in relief.

She was alive. That was all that mattered.

Jason gripped her hand tightly, pouring nectar onto her wounded shoulder carefully. Piper's face contorted in pain, though she stayed unconscious.

Jason heard a soft chuckle, making him tear his eyes away from Piper. He almost had an aneurism when he saw her. "Drew?" He choked out incredulously, anger flaring through his veins. He shot to his feet, pulling out his sword viciously. "You tortured her!" He growled, stalking towards her so fast, Drew tripped on her own feet trying to back up.

She held up a hand, her eyes wide with fear. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't have a choice! Gaea would've killed me!" She defended in her usual annoying voice.

"Better you than her!" Jason growled furiously, pressing his blade against her throat.

"Jason, stop!"

Jason spun around to see who had said it.


"I'm not gonna let her get away with hurting you." He justified, shooting a death glare at Drew.

"Jason, she just saved us. She killed Luke." Piper explained, making her way over to him with difficulty, her shoulder still bleeding slightly. "She's with us." She said, slowly easing Jason's sword away from Drew's throat. She looked expectantly at Drew, her eyebrows raising. "Right, Drew?" She questioned menacingly.

Drew nodded her head furiously. I glared at her suspiciously, deciding wether or not to trust her. "How can we trust you? You were on Gaea's side." Jason retorted.

"Sh--she threatened to kill my family." Drew stammered, biting her lip to stop it from quivering.

Jason felt a pang of guilt in his chest, actually feeling a little sorry for Drew. "Sorry." He muttered, looking down at the deck.

A small smile formed on Drew's lips, but her eyes flashed with sadness. "Don't be." She smacked Jason in the back of the head with the hilt of her sword and everything went dark.


"--not breathing!"

"Oh my gods! Where's the ambrosia?!"

"The explosion blew it up!"

"Hey, where's Piper?!"

Jason shot up into a sitting position, his eyes flying open. "What do you mean 'where's Piper'?!" He looked around wildly, wondering where the heck they were. It was a big meadow, the grass swaying in the wind and only one single tree in the center. He couldn't see anything else besides that. Not for miles.

Leo, Frank, Hazel, Percy, and Annabeth were all standing around Jason, their eyes filled with worry. "You okay, bro?" Percy said, helping Jason to his feet.

"Yeah." Jason shrugged, but then remembered why he even woke up. "Where's Piper?!" He demanded, not caring how harsh he sounded.

Percy rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well... Drew kind of... Took her?"

Then Jason punched Percy right in the jaw.

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