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Hazel's first thought; It was dark.

Hazel opened her eyes but it was still completely dark. She blinked but she still couldn't see anything. Then she heard sobbing. Frank.

She tried to speek but all that came out was a stangled gasp. She didn't know if it was her or not, but she felt pain flare through her legs.

"Hazel?" Frank's sad voice said sounding hopeful. "Hazel, can you hear me?"

All Hazel could manage was a grunt. "Guys!" Frank yelled sounding joyful. She heard feet shuffling in the hall, and soon gasps and cries of joy.

"She's alive!" She heard Annabeth gasp in joy. "But her heart stopped!"

Hazel groaned again and heard Frank say,"Hazel can you see me?" In a worried voice.

Hazel tried to speek but decided otherwise. She shook her head no instead.

Everyone gasped at the same time. "Oh no." Annabeth said sadly.

"W--what?" Hazel gasped. She tried to sit up but failed immediately crying out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Said a concerned Percy. "You should rest."

"I'm fine", Hazel answered weakly. "What happened? How long was I out?"

"Just about a week", confirmed Jason. He sounds so sad! Why does he sound so sad? Hazel thought.

"Jason what's wrong? What happened?"

"I-- Piper....." Jason trailed off.

"Oh no. What happened to Piper? Is she okay? Where is she?" Hazel said hearing the concern in her voice.

"Piper's gone." She heard Annabeth say quietly.

"W-- what do you mean gone?" Hazel asked her head spinning. "Is she....", She trailed off her voice cracking.

"She's dead."

Hazel felt hot tears streaming down her face. "No." Hazel whispered.

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