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Drew growled in frustration, pushing herself to her feet. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She muttered to herself, cursing under her breath. That stupid garbage girl! She had to ruin everything! Drew thought distastefully. I'm going to kill her!

Drew weaved through the tunnels, trying to find her way through the underground maze. After Piper and her friend had escaped, Gaea had tried to kill her because she thought she let them go on purpose. Now Drew felt like a traitor. An outcast. A betrayer. She didn't belong to the Greeks, Romans, or even Gaea's side. Now she regretted joining Gaea. How could she have been so stupid? All she wanted to do was get back at her stupid sister. Piper.

That was the only reason she joined Gaea in the first place. Piper had always outshined her, made her feel so useless. Drew knew she was bitter, mean, and stupid, but it was the only way people would notice her. She hated acting that way. She didn't want to be mean any more.

Would the Greeks take her back? Even though she had betrayed them? Drew didn't think so. She wouldn't want to let a traitor back into camp either. Maybe if she showed them she was one of them, maybe they would trust her again.

Drew turned into another tunnel, holding her dagger in front of her protectively. How long did this tunnel go on for? She couldn't even see the end. She started walking, looking around wistfully, watching for monsters or other underground dangers.

Drew finally reached the end of the tunnel, light pouring into it through a small hole in the ceiling. She examined the hole. She was no daughter of Athena, but she knew this hole could lead to the surface. Maybe she could squeeze through. But how would she reach it? She certainly couldn't jump, it was at least eight feet higher than her head. She couldn't climb the wall, there was nowhere to put her feet or hands. But maybe she could. Not in the way she was thinking, but she could still climb. The walls were close enough together.

Drew pressed her back against the wall, pushing her feet against the opposite wall. She pushed herself off of the ground, using her legs to move upwards while her back kept her up. She slowly climbed up, her forehead sweating and her hands shaking in effort. She was almost there when she heard a loud scream.

It was from above.

Drew quickened her pace, clenching her teeth in effort. She finally reached the top. She squeezed herself through the hole, the bright sun beating against her face. When she could finally see, she looked around and saw that she had been underneath Athens the whole time.

Drew saw the Argo II docked by the shore, mostly destroyed and charred. She saw a bow and arrow near the doc...

The bottom of Drew's shoes scraped against the wooden doc, walking towards the Argo II, a bow and arrow in hand. She peeked over the rail, trying to see what all the commotion was. Luke was pointing a sword at Annabeth's throat while she just hung in the air. Percy was standing a few feet away, his eyes wide in horror. He seemed to be deciding something. Drew smirked when she saw Piper hanging in the air too, her shoulder bleeding very badly.

This was her chance. To get back at Piper for all the things she did to her. All the humiliating things she had done, all the embarrassing things, everything. But this was also her chance to prove she was trustworthy. If she killed Piper, she knew the Greeks would never take her back. She would have nowhere to go. But she was even angrier at Piper. She wanted a home, but she also wanted revenge. All she had to do was decide.

Drew knocked her arrow and raised the bow. She pulled the stringing back to the corner of her mouth, aiming at her target.

"Four, three, two..." Luke counted down, resting the blade of his sword under Annabeth's chin. Percy looked on the verge of snapping, his eye twitching wildly. Tears streaked down Annabeth's face, squeezing her eyes tightly. Piper shook her head back and forth softly, tears escaping her eyes and rolling down her cut cheeks.

That's when Drew let her arrow fly.

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