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"Jason, stop it!" Annabeth shouted, shoving Jason away from Percy before he could do any more damage.

"Where is she?!" Jason growled angrily. "You let Drew get her?! Why in gods name would you do that!?"

"Calm down, Jason!" Frank said, grabbing Jason's arms and pinning him to the ground.

"Get off of me!" Jason roared, struggling against Frank's grip. "I have to go find her! Let me go!" He finally managed to break Frank's grasp and he shoved him away. "What's your problem, Zhang?! Why don't you mind your own business and stay away from me or I will kill you!" Jason screamed at him, the scariest glare Annabeth had ever seen plastered across his face.

"Maybe you shouldn't hurt people for no reason then!" Frank shot back, shoving Jason away. "Stop being such a jerk and actually do something about it!" Frank ducked as Jason swung his fist at his face, yelping in shock. Jason tackled Frank to the ground, pinning him down again. Frank punched Jason in the jaw and they kept rolling around, pinning each other down.

"Frank, stop it!" Hazel gasped, trying to pull him off of Jason.

Such idiocy! Yes, kill each other and I won't have to do it myself! A voice boomed through the air, filled with humor.

Annabeth pulled out her dagger, looking around for the source of the voice. There was no one there, unless they were hiding in the grass. She heard a rustle in the grass behind her and whipped around, holding her dagger out towards the grass. "Who's there?" Annabeth said nervously, her eyes darting around wildly.


Jason's head snapped up and he ran in the direction of the voice. "Piper!" He called back in a worried voice.

"Wait, Jason!" Annabeth grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "It's a trap!"

"Let go!" Jason yanked free and ran towards the helpless screams of his girlfriend.

Annabeth ran after him, followed by Leo, Frank, and Hazel. Where was Percy? Annabeth completely stopped in her tracks, her mind flaring in realization. "They're trying to split us apart." She said to herself, ignoring the confused glares she was getting from Leo and Hazel. Annabeth's head snapped up. Now Frank was gone.

"Annabeth, would you please tell me what in Hades name is going on!" Hazel said, trying to catch her breath.

"He's trying to split us apart!" Annabeth replied, trying to figure out a way to find Percy.

"Who?!" Leo questioned, looking confused as ever. "Who's doing this?!"

Annabeth froze. She knew exactly who was doing this. The one person who could do this was right under their noses. A person who had been with them the whole time. Messing with their minds, toying with their brains. How did she not realize sooner? "Hecate." Annabeth growled, pulling out her dagger.

"Where is she?" Leo asked nervously, looking over his shoulder.

Annabeth ignored him and tackled Hazel to the ground, pressing the blade of her dagger against her throat.

"What are you doing, Annabeth?!" Leo yelped, trying to pull her off of Hazel.

"Stop, Leo!" Annabeth growled, shoving him away. "This isn't Hazel!" Leo gasped, jumping backwards, his face filled with shock.

"Bravo, bravo." Hazel said in a voice that was not at all her's. "It took you long enough to figure it out!" She snickered, but there was a hint of sadness in her voice, like she was trying hard not to cry.

"Where is Hazel." Annabeth growled, pressing her dagger harder against the goddess's throat.

Hecate just smiled. "I don't think you want to do that."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Just get to the point!" She shouted.

"No! Please!" A scream echoed through the air, filled with pain.

"Piper!" Another voice shouted, not far away. "Piper, I'm coming!" It was most definitely Jason. Annabeth turned back to where Hecate was, but she was gone. So was Leo.

"Great." She muttered to herself, trying to get her thoughts together. Now, all she had to do was find everybody, get them out of here, kill Hecate, save Hazel and Piper, and make it back to Camp Half-Blood without the help of the Argo II.

Piece of cake.

"Jason, help!" A voice cried out, making Annabeth cringe. This time, there was no answer from Jason. Uh oh.
Annabeth ran in the direction she thought Piper was in, probably being wrong, panting heavily through the thick forest. Wait. Forest? They were just in a field! Hecate must be messing with them again.

Annabeth broke into a small clearing and she almost fainted. She was completely surrounded by spiders. The biggest spiders she had ever seen in her life. A small scream echoed through the trees. Annabeth's eyes widened in horror as she realized in was her own. She was completely terrified. Spiders. Everywhere. She couldn't move. She couldn't breath.

"Annabeth!" Called out a voice that snapped her out of her shock. It was Percy.

"Percy!" Annabeth choked out, trying not to scream again.

Percy emerged from the huge leaves, slicing through one of the spiders with Riptide. Annabeth just stood there in fear as he sliced through each arachnid, turning them to dust with one swipe of Riptide. "C'mon!" Percy shouted as he sliced through the last spider. Annabeth stumbled through the brush, Percy following close behind her.

Another ear piercing scream echoed across the trees, making Annabeth shudder. "Let me go! Please!" A voice pleaded, filled with pain and fear.

Annabeth stopped running and kept behind a tree, Percy taking place behind a big boulder. There was a soft chuckle and the sound of a whip being cracked filled the air. I will torture you as long as I want to, you filthy little demigod! I show no mercy! A voice boomed, resonating through the earth like thunder.

Percy and Annabeth shared a look, fear plain in their faces. "Tartarus." They both mouthed at the same time.

Annabeth slowly peeked her head around the tree and tears immediately flooded her eyes. Piper was sprawled across the dirty ground, several stab wounds and whip lashed spread across her entire body. Her blood covered the ground in pools and turned the already dark soil an even darker crimson. Above her stood Tartarus, looking even more evil than ever. He held a leather whip in his right hand and a black stigion iron dagger in his left, both covered in Piper's blood.

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