Clarisse (Bonus Chapter)

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 "Now!" Clarisse shouted.

The wave of Romans exploded in front of her. She grinned. "Yeah! Nice one, Travis!" She yelled up the hill. Travis did a little victory dance, and ended in a Roman slamming his shield into his chest. Travis and the Roman tackled eachother. Clarisse sighed and ran up to help him.

Travis rolled and pinned the Roman down. "Got it!" He yelled down to her. She stopped running, and had just turned around, when she heard a cry for help. Travis. Clarisse grunted and turned around, just in time to see the sword get plunged into Travis's chest. His body went limp.

"Aargh!!!!!" She yelled in anger, as she charged the Roman. Without any difficulty, or hesitation, Clarisse stabbed the Roman right through the heart. Clarisse kneeled down next to Travis. "You fought well. You were a good soldier. You were a good friend." She let a tear roll down her face, then quickly wiped it off. She looked up and saw that a Roman had been staring at her. A tear ran down the Roman's face, but she didn't wipe it away. She just dropped her sword, and walked away from the fighting.

Clarisse understood. She didn't this war for no reason. Even though she acted like she did, it was just a way to cover up the sadness inside of her.

Clarisse layed a flower on Travis's chest, and stood up. She looked at him one last time, and ran towards a Roman who was trying to kill Rachel Dare. She was barely dodging the attacks. Clarisse hated her, but she couldn't let her die. 

Clarisse yelled a battle cry, and swiped at the Roman, knocking him to the ground. He raised his hands in surrender. Clarisse was angry. The Roman expected her to let him win? Ha! They killed Travis. So now she was going to kill them. She raised her sword high over her head ready to strike down.

A hand fell onto her shoulder. "Clarisse." Rachel said softly. She put her hand on Clarisse's sword arm, lowering it. "Don't."

Clarisse dropped her sword onto the ground. She reached a hand to the Roman. The Roman looked confused, but he took her hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

Clarisse didn't answer. She ran towards her father's cabin. Clarisse gasped. It was gone. Everything she'd owned. Gone. All that was left was a big crater from an explosion. Clarisse was furious. She wanted to kill something. So she ran towards an advancing line of Romans, and sliced through every. single. freaking. one.

Clarisse yelled in anger and ran to the next line of advancing Romans. Every single one of them dropped their swords, and raised their hands in surrender, seeing what she had just done to the other line of Romans.

"What are you doing?! Kill her!" Yelled a skinny looking kid, with a teddy bear in his hand.

One of the Romans picked up her sword and walked towards Clarisse. She walked right past her, and put a flower on Travis, next to the one she had put there. The girl then turned back around, and walked towards Clarisse, and stopped by her side. She realized that the girl was going to fight with her, not against her.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "He was my brother."

Clarisse just nodded, and turned back towards the other Romans, who had all picked up their swords. She tried to keep herself from yelling, and killing every Roman, that second.

"We don't have to fight." She said calmly. "Nobody else has to die."

"Ha! She lies!" The scrawny Roman shouted. "She will kill us all!"

"No! We can fight together! Against the real threat: Gaea." Clarisse said getting annoyed by the Roman.

"Ha! That will happen when Reyan returns from the Mare Nostrum alive!"

Clarisse took the advantage. "She's on her way right now!"

"Ugh." The Roman replied. "I swear on the River Stix that if she comes back alive, we will fight together to defeat Gaea!" Thunder rumbled. "So of course, it will never happe--" A fourty-foot statue rose out of the shadows, and fell right in front of him before he could finish talking.

Bet you didn't see that coming! Did you ever think for once that I would do a Clarisse POV? Nope! That was a sad chapter, then again, so was the last one. Sorry I made Travis die!

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