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Piper didn't hate him.

She couldn't.

She didn't even know why she had said that. She had just been so terrified, it kind of... Slipped out.

Hazel had finally cleared the Mist, and it turned out that they had still been on the battlefield the whole time.

"We've got a pretty horrible sense of direction, don't we?" Leo said with a hint of amusement, but his expression was still blank.

"Yeah." Hazel said tiredly, still exhausted from removing the Mist.

"We should head back to the ship." Annabeth said blankly. "Before anyone else gets hurt."

Jason didn't say anything, but just started walking towards the Argo II, his expression cold. She wanted to tell him that she hadn't meant it, but she knew it wasn't a good time. They had to get back to camp and help the others with the monsters. Reyna had said that they were under attack the last time they saw her.


Piper didn't know what to think of her anymore. All she knew was; they didn't get along. It was almost stupid how much she hated her, but it was the truth. They were just not meant to be collaborative.

Piper brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, shivering from the cool wind.

She looked up at the big, bronze ship, wondering how the heck Leo was going to fix it after Luke blew it up. She just hoped Festus was okay.

Piper still felt like it was her fault. She could've stopped Luke, but she didn't. They could've been sailing to Camp Half-Blood right now, and Percy would still be there. It was her fault that he had died, and she didn't have an excuse.

They all climbed onto the Argo II, starting to clear off the blackened deck.

"Why don't you and Annabeth go below? Me and Jason can clear up here." Leo suggested, but Piper could tell his mind was on something else.

"Sure." Piper said, sparing a quick glance towards Jason.

Then she headed down below decks, Annabeth right behind her. Piper immediately went to her cabin, kicking around in the rubble. She threw aside a plank of wood, spotting a small square of paper on the floor. She picked it up carefully, not wanting to wreck it.

When she looked at it, she immediately regretted picking it up.

It was a picture of her dad.

Her eyes teared up as she studied the rest of the picture. He was surfing, the gentle wave frozen in the scene behind him. Piper could see herself already in the water, her board floating away. She had never been good at surfing, but it was the only thing that she and her dad had ever done together. Before all this happened. Before her life changed forever. She'd had a normal life, with a normal dad, and a normal home. But now, she couldn't say any of those things were true anymore. It would never be the same.

She would never have a normal life, or a normal home, or a normal dad. All three were basically impossible. She didn't want to believe it was true, though. She at least wanted to have a dad. Even if she never saw him, or they never talked. She just wanted to know there was someone else who cared about what happened to her.

Piper felt hot tears making their way down her face as she looked at the picture again. Her dad was gone, and he wasn't coming back.

"Piper, are you okay?" Annabeth asked from behind, sounding really worried.

Piper quickly wiped away her tears. "Yeah." She lied, stuffing the picture into her pocket. "I'm fi--" she stopped short when a huge piece of ceiling broke off and crashed onto the floor, just inches from where Piper was standing. It blew ashes into the air like snow, coating her from head to toe.

She turned around, blowing dust out of her mouth. "Remind me never to say that word again."



Oh my gods, I'm done!!!!!

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You will be missing out if you don't!!!

It's going to be called: HEROES OF THE FUTURE

I am going to start it right away so you don't have to wait!

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Hope you enjoyed it!!!

Good bye for now, my peeps! 🐥🐥🐥

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