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When Annabeth missed the rail, she was sure she was going to die.

Until the hand clamped around her wrist.

She looked up and saw Piper clamping her hand to the railing and her wrist. Her knuckles were turning white, while her face turned red with strain. She couldn't possibly hold them both for that long. Annabeth knew that for a fact. She figured that if she let go, then Piper could pull herself up. She knew she would die, but it was a risk she was willing to take.

Annabeth twisted her wrist around so it made Piper's grip falter, but not enough. She was holding on like a steel vise.

"Don't you dare." Piper said, gritting her teeth in effort. Her eyes were full of pain, like she would break if she was hurt anymore. Then Annabeth recognized the expression she had on before. Fear. She was afraid.

"Piper, you can't hold us both." Annabeth whispered.

"Yes I can." Piper said through gritted teeth. "I'm not letting go."

The ship lurched again and Piper grunted with effort, holding onto Annabeth's wrist even tighter. How Piper was managing to hold on so long, Annabeth didn't know. Her face was beat-red now, and she was frantically holding on tighter and tighter.

The ship lurched again and Annabeth heard a sickening 'pop'. Piper cried out in pain, but held on tightly. Then Annabeth realized what the pop was. Piper's arm had popped out of her socket.

Annabeth looked up at Piper incredulously. How did she manage to keep holding on? How could she be so willing to risk her life for Annabeth? Why did she do it? How was it possible?

"Annabeth!" Percy called down from below. She looked down and saw him climbing the ladder, quick as lightning. He was about five steps up when the ladder cracked in half, making Percy fall flat on his back.

"Percy!" Annabeth called down. "You okay?!"

"I'm fine!" He called back up, pushing himself to his feet. He stared up at her, looking terrified. "Don't let go! I'll be right up!"

"Hurry!" Piper screamed, squeezing her eyes shut in pain. The boat lurched again and Annabeth heard another 'pop'. Piper's grip faltered as she cried out in pain again. She looked like she was going to let go any second. Her face was completely red with strain, and her hands were starting to sweat, making it harder to hold on.

Annabeth knew she was going to die. Both of them would die if Piper kept this up. But if Annabeth just let go, only she would die. Not Piper.

"Piper... you have to let go. I'm gonna die anyway. You can live." Annabeth croaked, a tear making it's way down her cheek.

Piper's eyes filled with tears, but she didn't let go. "I couldn't live knowing that I let you die. You're my best friend."

Annabeth knew she had to let go now. She twisted her wrist, and Piper's grip loosened again.

"No!" Piper cried, sounding very alarmed.

"Piper I have to!" Annabeth said, tears now streaming down her face. "If I don't--"

"If you let go I'm letting go too!" Piper shouted, tears spilling over her eyes.

Annabeth let out a strangled gasp and stopped squirming. Would Piper really do that? Was she really that determined to save her? Annabeth didn't deserve a friend as good as Piper. She would stop at nothing to save her friends. Even if it meant death.

Annabeth's wrist started to slip out of Piper's grasp, her sweat making it nearly impossible to get a good grip.

"Help!" Piper yelled down, but everyone else were buisy fighting monsters. Except Percy. Where was he? Annabeth started to panic. Why was he not there? He said he was coming! Did he leave? Of course not. The logical side of her thought. He said he was coming, so he's going to come. Hopefully.

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