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Hey this is my first story I hope u like it!



Piper was getting tired of the screaming. Every night since Percy and Annabeth got back from that dark place, Tartarus, (Piper hated thinking about what actually could have happened in there) she hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. Piper was seriously worried. And not just about Percy and Annabeth, but the whole crew. She could see that the terrified screams had taken effect on all seven of the demigods.

Piper swallowed heavily and got up, hearing the screams, and went to the source of the horrific dreams, Annabeth's room. Piper opened the door. She gasped loudly, trying to grasp in words what she saw. Annabeth was lying on the ground, completely motionless, her face as pale and white as a ghost's. Piper yelped and ran to her side, shaking her shoulder roughly.

No motion.

Piper shook her again knowing it was useless. "Annabeth!" She cried, her throat welling up with fear.

Percy came rushing into the room. "What's wrong?" He said, a dark look in his eyes as he saw Annabeth lying motionless on the ground. "What happened to her?!" Percy said loudly, making Piper cringe.

"I- I don't--" She stammered.

"What happened!?" Percy yelled, loud enough for everyone on the ship to hear him clearly.

Piper cringed and felt for Annabeth's pulse, her hands clammy. She waited a few seconds before she felt a weak pulse on her wrist.

"She--she's alive, Percy it's okay." Piper swallowed hard, trying to feel relieved, but she couldn't. Something was still... Off.

"No, no, no! She's not okay! She's not--" Percy kept mumbling under his breath, shaking his head.

At that moment Annabeth stirred weakly. Jason, Hazel, and Leo came rushing in. "We heard yelling in--" Jason stopped talking for a second looking at Annabeth first, then Percy, then Piper with tears blotted on her cheeks. "What's going on? What's wrong?" Jason asked.

Annabeth suddenly shot up into a sitting position and grabbed Piper by the arm. Piper yelped and stared at Annabeth in horror. Her eyes were gold and she had a devilish sneer on her face. Not at all like Annabeth, Piper thought.

"You will lose. You will all die." Annabeth said in a voice that was not at all hers.

"You will die first daughter of Aphrodite." Piper watched in shock as Annabeth took her dagger and plunged it into Piper's shoulder. Then twisted it and yanked it out. Piper screamed in pain and held her shoulder as Percy snatched the dagger from Annabeth and held her back. Annabeth slumped and her eyes rolled back into her head. Jason yelped in shock and dove for Piper.

"Piper! Piper can you hear me?!" Jason screamed.

"J-- Jason", Piper said weakly.

Then she blacked out.


Piper woke to the sound of someone sobbing. She opened her eyes but closed them again quicky seeing how bright it was. Then she heard voices and more sobbing.

"I can't believe I did this!" Said the unmistakeable voice of Annabeth.

"It wasn't your falt." Said Jason unsure of his words.

"But still--"

"Piper's going to be fine. She should wake up soon."

"Yeah! She'll be fine!" Leo. Piper guessed. "I mean, she's the toughest girl I've ever met! Look she's gonna wake up in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

At the moment, for Leo's sake, Piper slowly opened her eyes aware of the light this time. She groaned from a quick stab of pain through her arm.

"OMGs how the heck did I do that! I am sooo awesome!" Leo said.

"Piper!" Annabeth and Jason said at the same time whirling around.

"Hey", she replied quietly.

"Gods! I thought you would never wake up!" Annabeth cried. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Gods I feel so terrible! I--"

"I'm fine Annab--" Piper winced. She felt like her shoulder had been blasted with lightning by Zeus. Piper tried to sit up but the pain made her shriek. Jason put a hand on her shoulder-- probably not realizing it was her injured arm.

"Ouch", Piper groaned.

"Sorry!" Jason said quickly.

"It's fine", Piper replied.

"No it's not, Piper. You've been out for a week!" Jason said.

"A week?!" Piper gasped.

"Yeah, and you missed an awesome fight with a giant clam!" Leo piped in,"aw man it was epic!"

"Yeah except the fact that--" Jason started but was interrupted by Annabeth nudging him. Piper knew they were keeping something from her, but she decided to pretend not to notice. Annabeth shot the boys a look that said, can you give us a moment? And they left.

Annabeth sat down next to Piper, and she started to sob. "Annabeth? What's wrong?" Piper said concerned. Annabeth gave her a look that made Piper want to cry too. Then Piper realised would be feeling horrible. She was the one who had stabbed her. "Annabeth, It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. I should've--" Annabeth started but Piper stopped her.

"Annabeth", Piper said sternly making shure that she got her attention," it is not your fault. Don't you dare say it is or--" Piper stopped abruptly feeling a prickle at the back of her neck. Annabeth seemed to realize Piper tensed. "What's wrong?" Annabeth ventured.

Suddenly the boat shook.

"What the--", Piper started but she didn't have time to finnish as the boat tilted on it's side. Piper rolled off the bed and onto to floor landing on her injured arm. She felt pain flare up his arm and she screamed so loud she couldn't hear anything else.

"Piper!" Annabeth yelled as she tumbled off her chair. She rushed to get Piper up and had her lean on her. Piper felt herself slipping into darkness but she fought to stay awake. She was panting hard as Annabeth (helping Piper) and she walked into the hall and up to the deck.

Piper just had time to see the monsters before one tackled Annabeth and herself hitting the deck hard.

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