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Piper whirled around, regretting it immediately. Her whole body flared in pain at the movement, and she gasped loudly. Jason quickly stood up, looking at the figure standing behind Piper.

"Stay away from her Gaea!" Jason growled.

Piper caught her breath. Gaea was standing right behind her, laughing.

"Very well! You shall be... Treated, first." Gaea said in a tone that made Piper want to scream.

"No!" Piper shouted, stepping in between Gaea and Jason. "Don't hurt him! Take me instead!" Piper blurted out before she could think.

"Piper no!" Jason shouted stepping towards her. But before he could grab her, Gaea flicked her hand, and Jason was sent flying to the other end of the room. Piper gasped as Jason's head hit the stone floor hard, and he lay there, groaning.

"Jason!" Piper said attempting to run to him, but she was held back by an invisible force. She tried to struggle, but Gaea was too strong, even if she wasn't awake.

"Let me go!" Piper screamed, now facing Gaea.

Gaea smiled cruelly, and walked up to Piper. Piper cringed down in fear as she came closer, and closer. But she couldn't move. She was frozen in fear.

"Shut up!" Gaea laughed as she grabbed Piper by the neck. She lifted her up into the air, and Piper couldn't breath at all. She scratched and pulled at Gaea's hand around her throat, but she just squeezed tighter. Piper could feel herself start to lose consciousness, her eyes drooping down. But Gaea apparently didn't want to kill her just yet, so she dropped Piper onto the floor.

Piper gasped for breath, not even daring to say another word. Gaea laughed again, not seeming to notice that Piper had come up, face to face with her. When Gaea stopped laughing she seemed to notice Piper standing directly in front of her, but she didn't seem fazed at all. That just got Piper even angrier.

Piper opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She tried again, but still, nothing came out.

"Not so tough without your pretty voice, are you?" Gaea sneered.

Piper's mouth just gaped open as she stared wide eyed at Gaea.

"Well I'd love for you to stay in chat, but in order for my plan to work, I'm afraid you and Jason must go back to your friends! Ta ta for now!" Gaea sneered, waving her hand in front of her.

Piper's head spun, and her world went dark.


"Piper! Piper can you hear me?!" Piper's head throbbed and her whole body ached.

"Piper!" She heard a familiar voice call out. Piper groaned, feeling another wave of pain.

"Guys she's waking up!" Leo shouted away from her. She heard multiple pairs of footsteps scraping against the floor.

"Is she hurt?" Jason. Piper wanted to jump up and kiss him, but she couldn't move without hurting herself.

"I don't know, but she'll be okay, Jason." Annabeth. Annabeth? Hadn't Chrysler shot her with an arrow? She must've healed already. Piper was glad for that. But she wasn't glad for someone tripping on her broken leg, causing another wave of pain. Piper cringed, trying to make the pain go away.

"Frank! Seriously!?" Multiple voices shouted at once.

"S--sorry!" Frank stammered, obviously feeling bad.

Piper groaned again, her eyes fluttering open. She saw six demigods leaning over her, looking a little tense.

"Piper!" Jason gasped, leaning down to give her a tight hug, which hurt like Hades. Piper bit her lip, trying not to look hurt, but failed miserably.

Piper writhed in pain

"Oh my Gods! I'm so sorry!" Jason said, taking a step back. "Are you okay?"

Piper didn't answer, knowing that it was no use saying that she was fi-- Ow! Oh my gods! She couldn't even think the word! That was creepy.

"Leo go get some ambrosia quick!" Annabeth said, sounding relieved that Piper was alive. Leo ran below deck, and a few seconds later, he came up with nectar and ambrosia. He handed it to Jason. Jason screwed off the lid for the nectar, and sighed looking at Piper. "This is going to hurt, Piper."

Piper squeezed her eyes shut and nodded, taking deep breaths. She felt Jason pour the cool liquid onto her injuries, and she started to writhe in pure agony. Piper felt her bones start to snap back into place, making her open her mouth in soundless screams. But gladly, it only lasted a few seconds. Piper opened her eyes, sitting up slowly with the help of Jason. Surprisingly, she didn't feel a speck of pain, aside from the throbbing in her head.

She stood up, and was immediately tackled with hugs. She smiled and hugged them back.

"Glad you guys are back, beauty queen!" Leo laughed. Piper punched his arm playfully and smiled.

"You guys should get some rest, you look exhausted." Annabeth smiled. "Unless you want to eat something first."

"Yeah! I'm starved! How about you Pipes?" Jason said rubbing his hands together. They all looked at her like they expected an answer. Piper opened her mouth to respond, but remembered what Gaea had done to her. Piper's eyes teared up, her smile fading completely.

Jason gave her a confused look. "Piper what's wrong?" He said in a concerned voice.

Piper just shook her head as she ran away from them, and below the deck towards her room. Just before she could open her door, she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see a concerned Annabeth standing next to her.

"Piper are you okay?" She said softly, her forehead creasing slightly.

Piper shook her head 'no', letting another tear slide down her cheek.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you talking to us?" Annabeth asked in a comforting tone.

Piper stared at Annabeth, trying to send her a message that told her she didn't want to know. But Annabeth looked confused as ever.

"Does your throat feel okay? Please tell me what's wrong!" Annabeth said, obviously frustrated that she didn't know something. "Is this about... Tartarus?" She whispered the last word, not wanting to hear the name.

Piper shook her head and walked into her room. She attempted to close the door, but Annabeth stuck her foot in front of it.

"Piper I--" she was interrupted by a loud roar above deck. They both exchanged looks, and pulled out their weapons, running up to the deck. They were surprised to see Leo standing there, covered in monster dust. Then he collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Piper and Annabeth quickly lifted him up and brought him to the infirmary. After Piper gave him some nectar, she exited the room. She walked into her room and sat on the bed.

After a few minutes of her just staring into space, she heard a knock on the door.

"Piper? It's me Jason. Can I come in?" Jason said, his tone made it clear that he wanted to talk about something serious.

Piper jumped up and walked to the door. She turned the handle, and was tackled with a tight hug.

"I missed you Pipes. Are you okay?" Jason said in a worried tone. She pulled back a little and nodded her head. Jason frowned. "Piper why aren't you talking? Is something wrong? Why are y--" Piper stopped him by pressing her lips against his. She wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him closer. He kissed her back, tangling his hands in her hair.

She pulled away gasping for breath as she heard Hazel scream the very name she heard in her dream. Piper's eyes widened as she realized it wasn't a dream. It was a vision of the future.

Piper quickly kissed Jason again, and ran as fast as she could up to the deck.

"Miss me?" Chrysler laughed, letting the arrow fly towards Annabeth.

Piper couldn't warn her, so she did the next thing that came to mind. She jumped in front of Annabeth, and the arrow planted itself into Piper's chest.

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