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Piper was more surprised that Frank was alive than the fact that he just shot an arrow into her shoulder. How ironic.

"Oh my Gods!" Annabeth laughed/cried, running over to Frank and giving him a bear hug. "You're alive!"

"Yeah, thanks to Piper." Frank smiled, awkwardly hugging Annabeth back.

Piper raised an eyebrow, obviously confused.

"What?" Annabeth said, taking a step back. "How? She was here with us the whole time!"

Frank rolled his eyes, already annoyed by Annabeth. "It's complicated! I'll tell you guys when we get back to the ship."

"Sorry, but that's not going to happen." Gaea growled through Piper's mouth. She was trying so hard to fight it, but Gaea as too strong. She stood up, picking up Katoptris. "You'll never get past me!"

Frank raised another arrow and aimed straight at Piper. Piper just smiled evilly in response. "I don't think you want to do that. Every time you hurt me in this body, it doesn't effect me. It only hurts her."

Jason lowered his sword, an angry expression plastered across his face. "I have a solution. How about you just leave!" He growled angrily.

"Maybe I will." Piper smiled, sheathing her dagger. "Goodbye!" In front of her, the dirt and grass crumbled away, creating a large hole. Jason's face turned pale and he started to say something, but Piper jumped into the hole, darkness engulfing her.


Piper groaned, pain flaring through her back. She was now in control of herself, but she couldn't move. She was almost positive that she had broken her back. It felt like it anyways. Piper opened her eyes, but it didn't help seeing that it was pitch black.

She tried sit up, but her back was screaming in pain, so she decided against it. She probably landed on her back when she jumped through the hole. Ouch. But why did Gaea bring her here? Where was she? Were Jason and the others looking for her? Did they find the Argo II?

The sound of a large door opening whisked Piper out of her thoughts.

"Let go of me!"

"I hope you like your new roommate!"

There was a loud thud and the door slammed shut.

"Dang cyclops."

Piper gasped. "Hazel?"

"Who's there?" Hazel asked menacingly, the sound of her sword being pulled out of its sheath echoing through the small cell.

"Hazel, it is you! What are you doing here?" Piper tried to sit up again, but failed again, gasping in pain.

"Piper? What are you doing here?" Hazel asked, scooting towards her. Piper's eyes adjusted and she could see that Hazel had a bloody gash running all the way down her arm.

"Are you okay?" Piper asked concerned. "That looks pretty bad."

Hazel raised her eyebrows. "Yours is a lot worse! What happened?"

Piper had almost forgotten about her shoulder. She looked at it and almost threw up. The wound went all the way through her arm, piercing through the bone. It was completely covered in blood, soaking Piper's shirt in her own blood. "It's... Not that bad." Piper shrugged, which was stupid considering her shoulder had just been impaled by one of Frank's arrows...

Frank! Hazel still didn't know he was alive!

Piper smiled widely at Hazel, but Hazel didn't smile back. "Why are you smiling?"

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