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Percy clung to Annabeth as they flew across the room. They were heading straight towards the broken window. Percy flung Annabeth as far away from the open window as possible, and turned in the air. He smacked the wall a few feet from the window, and watched as Annabeth flew into the wall on the other side.

"Are you okay?" Percy shouted to Annabeth. She nodded, and started to crawl towards him.

"Jason!" They both turned their heads as Piper flew straight through the broken window.

"Piper, no!" Jason shouted as he jumped towards the window. He stopped in midair, as an unconscious Leo smacked into him, sending them both flying into the wall. "Leo get off! I need to save Piper!" Jason yelled, pushing Leo off of him. He jumped through the window, controlling the winds to make him fly.

"Oh my gods! Percy you have to help them!" Yelled Annabeth. But before Percy could do anything, the boat tipped back to normal. Jason flew back through the window, carrying an unconscious Piper.

"Oh Gods! Is she okay?!" Shouted Annabeth, as she ran towards them.

Jason started doing CPR on Piper, and checking her pulse. After a few minutes, Piper started to cough up seawater, and she sat up. Before anybody could say anything, the boat rocked again, and they all went flying in the opposite direction. Percy smacked into Frank, and they both flew through the open doorway, and into the hall.

Calypso flew on top of them, yelling in pain. Percy remembered that she was still very injured. The boat leveled out, and Frank and Percy helped Calypso stand.

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled, running back into the room. He looked around and saw Annabeth lying in a pool of blood, glass scattered around her. He ran to her side, and turned her over, onto her back. She groaned, and spit out a few pieces of glass.

"Stupid vase." Annabeth mumbled, as Percy helped her stand.

There was a large slab of glass sticking out of her side. She yanked it out, yelling in pain, and pressed her hand against it, stopping the blood from flowing.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked her. She nodded, and her eyes widened as she stared at something behind Percy. He slowly turned his head as Luke ran through the door, smacking into Percy. He pushed him off, and drew Riptide, pointing it at Luke.

"No Percy! It's coming!" Luke yelled, pointing at the door. "It's a dragon!"

Frank ran in carrying Calypso. Their skin was covered in burns.

"The.... the fire..." Frank trailed off, collapsing to the floor.

"Frank!" Hazel yelled, running towards Frank. She shook his shoulders, and checked for a pulse. Tears streamed down her face, as she shook Frank's shoulders again.

"No!" She cried, hugging Frank's unconscious body. "No. No. No. You can't die!"

Percy's whole world shifted. Frank was dead. His best friend, dead. Percy ran over to Frank. He checked his pulse, as Hazel sat there crying and hugging Frank. A tear rolled down Percy's face as he realized that Frank had no pulse.

Just then Calypso coughed, and rolled onto her side, groaning. Percy turned to her, helping her stand.

"What happened!?" He shouted at her, shaking her shoulders. She cringed, and she looked down. "I'm sorry, Percy. The dragon... it... It..." Calypso trailed off, her eyes drifting to behind Percy. Her eyes widened.

"Leo!" Calypso yelled, jumping away from him. She ran to Leo as the dragon broke through the wall, knocking them all to the floor. There was a wave of heat as flames engulfed the room. There were several screams of pain, and Percy stood up immediately, looking for Annabeth.

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