AN - End?

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So... um... I know these are annoying to read and most people just skip them, but the rest of this book won't make sense if you don't.

Long story short, I don't ship Crundee anymore. I started loosing interest when Ian and Crainer switched to Fortnite and haven't watched either of their channels in months. The real deal breaker was when my phone broke back in October and I lost all the progress I had on a bunch of fics (I wrote on the basic notes app and didn't have any sort of backup).

I tried rewriting what I had lost and even got a few new ones up, but the passion and interest never came back. Though, I do have a ton of drafts (at least 20-30) that I don't want to go to waste. So, I'm going to add basic outlining of what I wanted to have happen and upload them as what they are - unfinished. Most are still going to be decent stories, just much lower quality than what I would typically post.

That being said, I give - with proper credit of the original idea - permission to properly write or in any other way use the content of anything posted in this book from here on to anybody who wishes to do so.

On the other hand, I still enjoy writing and plan to keep doing so... just on another site and about another fandom. Yeah... I'm switching to AO3 where the Detroit: Become Human fandom mainly is. So, if you like gay androids, my user name is the same as here - AngelGirl768. I don't have anything posted yet, but my first project is kinda rewriting the entire game so... wish me luck...  Most of my fics will be either Simkus, Jerralph, or Conniel (yes, I ship Connor and Daniel) so, have that to look forward to~

TLDR - I don't ship Crundee anymore and am just gonna post what drafts I currently have before ending this book. Then, I'm gonna switch to AO3 and post D:BH fics of my gay android children.

~Angel ^-^

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