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Joe Sugg

While you lie in hospital worrying about our little one, just know that I love you. This year has been a joyous year with you and even now, when we wait to hear what's going on, I hope you know, that your the only one for me. I love you Kalani Langley.

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This is so cute.

Tom Daley
My love for you is everything during this harsh time.

Byron Langley
I'll see you all in a bit.

Langley Sugg
I hope everything is okay.

suug sugg sugg
Everything will work out in the end.

kalani langley news
Kalani and Joe went to hospital from Strictly Come Dancing tour. They are yet to hear news.

kalani langley fan
Thank you kalani langley news, just what Joe Sugg and Kalani Langley want to see during this possibly hard time for them and their family.

Kalani Langley
Thank you everyone for the kind words. We will reveal all once we understand everything. Love you Joe Sugg.

my brothers roommate: Joe Sugg LS (real life/social media)Where stories live. Discover now