real life

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"Okay Miss Langley, Mister Sugg, you are in fact in early labor and right now this baby needs to get out or it could suffocate." The midwife reveals as she enters the room.
"What does that mean?" Joe asked, panicked.
"From whatever way it moved to prepare for birth it got caught in the umbilical chord. You need to go for emergency C section." She said in a rush as she pressed the red button.
"Wait what?" Kalani asked, terrified, looking at Joe.
"It's going to be okay. I'll be right beside you, I promise, just like I said." Joe replied, trying to comfort her.
"He will follow you behind. He'll have to get sorted out first." The midwife concluded as three nurses came through to wheel Kalani off.

As soon as Kalani was set up Joe came through the door. He went straight by his fiance as the nurses placed the sheet up before starting the C section. Joe kept whispering encouraging words to Kalani as he tried to calm both him and her down. Suddenly the nurses spoke in a rush causing Joe and Kalani to look towards them.

"What's happening?" Kalani asked.
"She's not breathing." A nurse explained as their baby was rushed away from them.
"What do you mean she's not breathing. Help her." Kalani cried while a nurse stitched her up, ignoring the fact that they had revealed the gender to her for the first time.
"We're doing all we can." The nurse comforted before rushing off to help the others.
"Oh my God." Kalani cried as she turned to Joe.

Speechless, Joe  just stands there.He can feel the seconds ticking away as he tries to make his body move, and he manages to make a sluggish movement and run his hands through his hair in frustration. He tries to hold back his tears as he comforts Kalani , but it doesn't work. Instead he just gets into the hospital bed beside her and gently moves her onto his chest, letting her cuddle into him as they both cry into each other, knowing exactly what could happen at any moment.

"It's going to be okay, we'll be okay." Joe cried, not quite believing himself.
"It's a baby girl Joe." Kalani cried in fear.
"She'll be okay." He replied, trying to convince them both.

my brothers roommate: Joe Sugg LS (real life/social media)Where stories live. Discover now