real life

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day 16 of 24

"Next up it's Joe and Dianne." Claudia smiled to the camera.

"We're through to the final." Dianne squealed as Joe spun her around.
"Yeah hey." Joe cheered.
"So, this week we do three dances. The first one is the Paso Doble, judges choice." 
There is a flash of the dance.
"Oh I remember that one." Joe does the hand movement.
"Yeah. Then our third one is couples choice and I was thinking the Charleston from our second week." 
There is a flash of the dance from before.
"Nice yeah, what's our new one?" 
"Our new one is a fun one. THere is no rles for this dance so I really think you'll do well. The dance is called showdance, and we are going to be dancing it to 'I bet you look goos on the dancefloor' by Arctic monkeys."
"I love this dance already." Joe smiled causing the two to laugh.

"This week is a tough week on Joe because he has three dances which means three to perfect."
"It's a sweaty week, it really is, but I'm delighted to be here."

"I'm home."Joe called into the house. 
"Hey." Kalani smiled, hugging him close.
"This week has turned good to great as Kalani and I got some great news." 
"Your not mad?" Kalani asks, confused.
"Joe is doing so well in the competition. I am so proud of him and I'm delighted to say that he is my boyfriend." Kalani laughed looking at the camera.
"It's me against Kalani, you know, but that doesn't matter, because I know that I'm the better one." Joe smiled with a wink.
*end of video*

"Dancing the Paso Doble, Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell."

"And the scores are in. Shirley?"
"A perfect ten."
"And that is a score of 39. Now we have seen three so far and one is left for judges choices. And now it's time for Kalani and Derek."

"WE're through." Kalani sang happily.
"Yes we are, come on, let's have a seat."
"This is amazing, I can't believe it is happening." Kalani smiled to the camera.
"This week is three weeks. Our first one is judges choices and they have choose the Rumba."
"So we have to do that lift again?"
"We have to do that lift again yeah." He said as hey both laughed as a piece of the dance from before is shown.
"We have to do better this time." Kalani joked.
"The third one is couples choice and I was thinking the contemporary dance."
A snippet of the dance is shown.
"And our second one is, everyone is doing this, showdance."
"So no rules, no noting, just dancing in a specific way."

"At this stage of the show I don't want to let Derek down.He has been so great and it has been an honor to be his dance partner for this show, which is why I have booked an appointment with the doctor."
Joe, Dianne, Derek and Kalani are seen in the waiting room before Kalani is called out.
"SO the doctor said I can dance and no harm can be done so we are all green." Kalani smiled at the three as Derek hugged her.
"Alright then, back to the studio we go."
"Your going to be the death of me." Kalani joked as they left.

"I don't care if we win or lose at this stage, I've enjoyed myself and that's all a girl can ask for."
*end of video*

"Dancing the Rumba, Kalani langley and Derek Hough."

"And the scores are in. Bruno?"
"Thats a grand score of 40"

fast forward to Joe second dance.

"Dancing their showdance. Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell."

"The scores, judges please. Craig?"
"A total score of thirty nine."

"Dancing their showdance, Kalani Langley and Derek Hough"

"It's getting hot in here. Judges, your scores please. Craig."
"total score of thirty six"

fast forward to joes last dance.

"Competing to be your winner with their couples choice, Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell."

"Good luck Joe as the results are in. Darcey?"
"Score of thirty eight"

"Competing to be your winner with their couples choice, Kalani Langley and Derek Hough"

"Our last competitor tonight, Craig what you giving her?"
"A total score of thirty nine"

results time.

"For the past thirteen weeks four dancers have gave it everything to get to the finals but who will be the winner?" Claudia asked.
"Will it be, Ashley Roberts" Tess asked as it flashed to the celebrities.
"Faye Tozer" Claudia asked as it flashed to Faye.
"Joe SUgg" It flashed to Joe.
"Or Kalani Langley." It flashed to Kalani.
"Good luck to all" Claudia asked as she opened the envelope. "And the winner is........." She paused as a drumroll began.

"Kalani Langley." 

Kalani cupped her mouth in shock as everyone started cheering and clapping. Derek lifted her up and spun her around before placing her down where Joe pulled her into a hug as well as the two girls. The camera flashed to Byron cheering in tears for his sister beside Tom and Lance who were also cheering. Her papa stood in front of them and was trying to hold back his tears. The camera went back to Kalani and the gang standing in a line as Claudia and Tess chatted to them all.

"But before we give our winners the glitter ball trophy, Kalani is there anything you want to say to your new bestie Derek." Tess asked as Derek tried to calm down.
"Yes there is . Derek ,you know how highly I think of you and your a gem, you really are. And it's no wonder why you've been in the final as many times as you have, your patient, your caring your kind and I'm so thankful for having you as my partner. You so deserve this, you so deserve this." Kalani spoke as Derek held back delightful tears.
"Derek, Derek, what do you want to say to the girl who got you this." Claudia asked, indicating to the trophy.
"Thank you so much, thank you so much for, not just, dancing so well and getting this but for being the most amazing person to work with and you worked so hard. YOu always have a smile on your face and I think the absolute world of you, thank you so much." HE smiled, pulling her into a hug.
"Well you have been amazing and it gives me great pleasure to give your strictly come dancing 2018 champions Kalani Langley and Derek Hough." Tess said as she handed the trophy to the couple who held it high.
"Than kyou so much to the celebrities who cometed this year and we hope to see more celebrities next year. Now it's time to see the winning couple of 2018 have their final dance on strictly come dancing. Goodnight." Claudia and Tess said in sync as Derek and Kalani were placed on shoulders.

my brothers roommate: Joe Sugg LS (real life/social media)Where stories live. Discover now