real life

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day 8 of 24

"And uploaded

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"And uploaded." Joe exclaimed as he placed his laptop down on the bed.
"What's uploaded?"Kalani asked as she came walked into his room.
"The girlfriend tag, remember?"
"Joe, I remember the steps to my dance next week, I remember that you are my boyfriend. Other then that my mind is blank." She stated sarcastically.
"Well that's nice to know." He laughed as he got up " I've to go to rehearsal, wanna coming?" 
"Yeah, I've to be in soon anyway."
"I'll drop you off then."

The two laughed lightly as they left Joes room. Kalani went to say bye to Byron before meeting Joe in his car. The two sang to Christmas songs. As promised Joe dropped his girlfriend off at the studio.

"I'll be back at around 8." Joe stated.
"What are yous doing till then, I'm finished at 6." Kalani joked.
"We have interviews today as well."
"Enjoy." She laughed before kissing Joe and getting out, watching him drive off before heading in.

Kalani headed into the studio and seen Derek standing across the hall. He explained what they were doing before starting to do steps. Before they knew it they were finished and went on home. 

"Hello?" Kalani called as she walked into the apartment/flat.
THere was no answer but she seen a sticky note on the stair barrier.
"Gone out to get food. Be back in about an hour or two. Byron. Time 6:10. Just missed him." Kalani read before heading to her room.

She made her way to her room and grabbed her laptop. Logging onto youtube she seen Joes new video as recommended. She decided to see what people thought about it. How bad an idea that was.

Clicking off the youtube video and closing her laptop shut, Kalani sighed. Usually, she could handle the hate that came along with being in the public eye. However, it had been getting to her recently. Maybe it was a combination between the crappy week she'd had or the fact that she hadn't slept in three days trying to think of how to perfect the dance for DWTS quickly, but somehow, along the way, it had all become too much for her. She let out a shaky breath she didn't know she were holding as  Joe entered the apartment. 

"Kalani, I'm back-" his words cut off as his eyes met his girlfriends, instantly making his way towards her, a slight frown appearing on his face.
"What's wrong love?"
At this point, tears were making their way down Kalanis face as she looked down, not knowing where to begin.
"I just- I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I try my hardest to please everyone but it never seems to work. Nothing I do is ever good enough." She sobbed, all of the frustrations from the past week finally coming out.
"Babe, you know that's not true." He began softly, his voice gentle, as if to not set his girlfriend off any further than she already was right now.
"You're more than good enough. In fact, I feel like we aren't enough for you sometimes. You're so very special. I wish you could see that too. Where's this coming from, what's happened?"
"The hate I've been getting..." is all Kalani managed to choke out before another sob formed it's way up her throat.
"Babe, it's okay to feel like this. I wish you told me sooner because I would have listened. I would have helped you" he replied softly.

Holding Kalanis face in his palms, she had no other option but to meet his gaze. Her glossy eyes matched his which grew more and more broken at the growing sight of seeing the one he loved so hurt. It was no secret that Joe loved deeply. Whether it was his friends, his family, or his girlfriend, nothing hurt him more than seeing the people he loved unhappy.

"I understand why you're upset, I would be too, but they're irrelevant comments, love. They don't know you personally." His index finger reached up to quickly catch the tears that made their way down Kalanis soft, rosy cheeks. "They don't know how hard you work to please others. Those comments aren't from your fans; I know that because your fans appreciate your hard work and love you for who you are. They would never take the time to hurt you like this. I know everyone says this, but they really are just jealous of you and your success. They don't see you as the talented and beautiful person that you really are. And if you are starting to believe them, then you need some reminding about how special you are too, babe"

Kalani couldn't help but smile at his kind words. He always knew exactly what to say and how to make her feel better. 

"There is so much to love about you; from the twinkle in your eyes to the way they light up when you're talking about something you're passionate about, everything about you draws me in and I feel like I can't cope with all the happiness you bring me. You're the love that came without warning, Y/N, you had my heart before I could say no." Joe added, not taking his eyes off her once.
"Thank you, Joe.For everything. Those comments don't mean anything as long as you're there with me. I love you" Kalani smiled
"I love you too, babe".

And with that, he laced his fingers between hers as they lay back on her bed, Kalanis eyes fluttering closed. The tears had her exhausted, and all she needed right now was to be with Joe, which is how they spent the rest of the night with each other. Kalani was asleep when Byron came home. He came into her room to see her fast asleep next to Joe who was playing with her hair. He looked at Joe with concern when he seen his sisters tear streaked cheeks.

"Got too much." Joe explained.
"What did?" Byron asked as he lay the other side of her.
"Everything I think." Joe stated before Kalani moved.

"Byron." She asked tiredly.
"Hey sis."
"Stay." She whispered sleepily as she left Joe and curled up to her brothers side.
"Always." Byron whispered, kissing her head before looking at Joe.
"I'll leave yous be." Joe whispered as Kalani fell back asleep.
"Joe," Byron called causing Joe to hum at him while turning to face him," Thank you, for everything. Your so good to Kalani and I've never seen her so happy. I'm glad you asked her on that date." He smiled.
"Thank you for not killing me." Joe joked, smiling.
"Goodnight Joe." Byron stated.
"Goodnight Byron. I don't think you'll be able to move anytime soon so I'll turn off the lights."
"Thanks Joe." Byron stated as the light turned off.

Byron smiled and lay down fully on his sisters bed before kissing her head and falling asleep himself.

my brothers roommate: Joe Sugg LS (real life/social media)Where stories live. Discover now