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Kalani sat in Joes dressing room, waiting for the show to finish

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Kalani sat in Joes dressing room, waiting for the show to finish. She had started feeling tired and a little sore so decided to head off somewhere quiet to relax a bit. She decided to kill some time on Instagram and looked through all the different fan pictures. One picture caught her attention, it was on many accounts, causing her to sit up quickly. It was a picture of Joe leaving the club that the cast had went to with Dianne, they were holding hands. Kalani flipped through a second picture of them smiling at each other with their faces close, nearly kissing.

"I feel sorry for Kalani! How could Joe do that to her? #WeloveyouKalani" a comment said and there was a picture attached to it.

Tears started running down Kalanis cheeks as she turned off her phone and looked ahead. How could Joe do this to her? She was pregnant with his kid and he done this. They were to be parents soon. As she calmed down Kalani placed her engagement ring on the make up table with a note. She then grabbed her bag and made her way outside. Just as she got to the door it opened to reveal Joe. He looked at her with concern when he seen the tears falling down her cheek.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked as he went to hug her.
"Don't touch me." She snapped as she pulled away.
"What's wrong?" He asked confused.
"You know exactly." She replied before brushing past him.

Joe looked at her direction with confusion before turning to the makeup table to see the note. He grabbed it and read it before grabbing the engagement ring and running after her.

"Kalani, please just let me explain!" He  begged as he caught up to her.
 Klani shook her head and turned around.
"I don't want to talk to you Joe, I've seen and heard enough" She told him, then started walking away.
Joe grabbed her arm causing her to turn quickly. The other celebrities and their dance partners began to appear.
"Please, what I did was a mistake" Joe said as Dianne and Derek came towards them.
"What's going on here?" Derek asked.
"Cheating isn't a mistake, it's a choice" Kalani told Joe as she looked him in the eyes.
"A choice that I didn't make!" Joe said.
Dianne went to comfort Kalani but she pulled away and stepped back.
"I seen the pictures. You and Dianne, close enough to kiss. And don't you dare say it was during a dance because it clearly wasn't" Kalani spat as she showed them the photos.
Joe and Dianne looked away in frustration.
"Dianne wasn't feeling well so I helped her home. She past out so I carried her home!" Joe explained.
"Kalani listen to me, noting happened." Dianne pleaded as Kalani buried her head in Dereks chest, him wrapping his arms around her.
"The photos guys" Derek sighed. 
"You have to believe me! Kalani, I would never do that to you, ever." Joe pleaded as he bent down to her height, tears in his eyes.
"Kalani, does photos that you seen aren't true. I swear on my families life." Dianne said as she stepped the opposite side of them.

Kalani suddenly screamed in pain causing everyone to jump. Derek let go of her as she grabbed her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Joe asked, panicked.
"Oww, I think the babies coming." Kalani cried as she felt another pain shoot across her.
"What, you aren't due for another two month." 
"Do I look like I'm joking." Kalani yelled before groaning in pain as she grabbed Dereks shoulder.
"Okay, someone call an ambulance. Kalani, your going to be fine okay. Just breath through the pain. Joe, take her to your changing room." Derek called as he went ahead towards Joes dressing room.
"I'm sorry." Kalani cried as Joe picked her up bridal style.
"Shh, it's okay. Just concentrate on your breathing. I'm going to be here all the way and I'm never leaving alright." Joe whispered in her ear as he got to the room.
"Ambulance is on it's way The others are watching for it." Dianne called as she went into the room and closed the door.
"Does Byron know?"Kalani asked as she breathed deeply.
"No." Derek asked as Dianne looked at him.
"Someone tell him, oww." she gasped as she felt another contraction.
"Dianne call him, tell him that it's happening and to bring to hospital bag." Joe ordered as he threw is phone at her before heading beside Kalani to comfort her.
"The ambulance is here." Ashley told them as she opened the door, letting two paramedics enter.

"Hi, Kalani, I'm Mary, this is my partner Katie. Do you know how often the pains are?" One of the ladies asked as she bent towards them.
"Around 20 mins." Joe answered as Kalani shock her head.
"Alright, why don't we get you into the ambulance Kalani alright. There's a wheelchair right here alright." Mary explained as Katie brought the wheelchair over.
"It's going to be okay, you'll be fine." Joe assured her after helping her into the chair.
"You are?"
"Joe Sugg, Kalanis boy..........." Joe started as Kalani was brought up into the ambulance.
"Fiance." Kalani interrupted with pain.
"Alright, would you like to travel with her or follow behind." 
"Go with her. We'll call your families and follow behind." Derek said.
"See yous there" Joe called as he jumped up.

"Joe." Kalani whimpered.
"It's going to be okay baby, everything's going to be fine." Joe said as he took her hand and brought it to his lips.
"All ready?" Katie asked as she looked back from the driving seat.
"Yeah ready." Mary replied before they drove off to the hospital.

my brothers roommate: Joe Sugg LS (real life/social media)Where stories live. Discover now