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Derek's POV

Maize hasn't been still all night, she restless tossing and turning in her sleep. Her face scrunched in worry, her bottom lip puckered out. I'm tempted to wake her, wanting to know what has my girl so upset, but we just got back to a good place and I don't want to push it by prodding. If she wants to tell me she will tell me on her own I try convincing myself.

A small whimper leaves her lips as she begins to shake in her sleep and all rational thinking is out the window.

"Baby?" I softly speak shaking her arm lightly, as I peer down waiting for her to wake from her sleep. "Maize?" I call a tad louder, shaking her again.

She jolts awake gasping for air her eyes dashing around as she tries to familiarize herself with her surrounding. She pulls away from me her eyes wide and her lips parted.

Panic sets in, she regrets our intimate moment that happened hours before. I knew we both had drank but the thought never occurred to me that she wouldn't want it.

"I'm so sorry," falls from my mouth before I can stop myself. "I just needed you. So bad." I almost whine. I sound utterly pathetic. "I missed you so much, you have no idea."

Her eyes are full of confusion, sweat beaded across her forehead from her restless state I just woke her from. "Why are you sorry?" She questions softly tucking her dark hair behind her ears. Her hand reaches out for mine and i pull her into my lap in a swift motion, making a small giggle slip passed her lips.

She's glowing the peak of moonlight spilling over her face and down her bare body. I'm entranced by the sight, her skin so soft. "You looked so upset" I begin looking down at the floor "i don't know I thought you regretted earlier." I mutter, okay now I sound pathetic.

She takes my chin in her tiny hand pulling it up to meet her gaze. "I don't." She assures me placing a kiss on my lips. "I was just having a bad dream." She shakes her head trying to brush it off but I don't let it go so easy. "About what?" I'm officially prodding.

"I don't even remember." She chuckles trying to climb of my lap but I pull her closer as her breath hitches.

"Don't lie to me." I state my eyes focusing in on her. Her lip is pouting out again and she won't look at me. I take her hand kissing the inside of her palm. "You can tell me," I whisper "please tell me." I add kissing up her arm towards her shoulder.

"I just keep seeing their faces." She mutters after a few moments of silence. "I hear their screams, the fire and blood. It's haunting me." She admits as her eyes begin to water. Her face covered sadness, she's no longer with me, she's relishing in her guilt and pain.

"Come back to me." I murmur in her ear, kissing down her neck. "You don't have to face this alone my love." I remind her my hands moving down her back to bring her hips closer to me. "It's normally to have these feelings, You killed those people yes, but if you hadn't they would've killed us. The whole pack probably." I tell her "you saved us. You have to understand that. There was only going to be one way out of there." I hold her so tight to me thinking she might break into a million tiny pieces at any moment.

"This wasn't your fault baby." I press hoping it gets through to her. She nods her head ever so slightly "doesn't make it any easier." She says before climbing off my lap to lay beside me, wrapping my arms around her waist. "We just need to take your mind off of it." I tell her remembering Spike telling me about some club they wanted to go to tonight.
It's not the ideal place I want to take her but it's all I got right now.

"Let's go out tonight" I begin holding her hands in mine. "There is a new club opening up tonight and the guys all want to go. It will be fun." I say in my most optimistic voice.

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