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"you got this." I tell myself in the mirror looking over my outfit one last time. the black tshirt dress doesn't look too fancy yet not too causal either. i then turn looking at the mess of clothes I left scattered around Shelly's room. "I'll apologize for that later." I tell myself before grabbing my bag and going down the hall. I catch a glimpse of Derek talking to a group of guys at the bottom of the staircase by the living room. "hey guys I got to go get maize, but Definitely talk to me about the game later." he grins charmingly before nodding them off and heading up the stairs. I suddenly panic should I go back in the room and act like I haven't been pacing the past two hours? before I make my decision my eyes lock with Derek's. "oh you're already out." he smiles softly as I nod carefully "yeah uh I didn't have much to do." I pause swallowing nervously, why am I acting like this is the first date me and Derek have been on. my mind stops. this is me and Derek's first date. "you look nice." I add trying to ease the tension, his black tshirt and jeans look great on him. "you stole my line." he winks making me blush and laugh shrugging muttering sorry. "cmon don't want to be late for our reservations." he tells me reaching out for my hand, I take it following him down the stairs "reservations?" I questions and he sends me a proud smile. "only the best for you, love." the added pet name makes me smile bigger and I grip his hand tighter as he rubs the back of it with his thumb. he opens the passenger door for me and I raise my eyebrows at him earning me a "hush and get in." making me grin widely. he is really trying and I can't help but swoon at the man I fell in love with. we drive in comfortable silence and I'm sorta shocked he didn't bombard me with questions about how I've been the past few days.

We are seated at the table and I instantly feel underdressed and insecure. the same feelings I felt on my first day here are setting in as I look around at everyone around us. "hey," Derek murmurs gripping my hand from across the table. "you look stunning, stop it." I squeeze his hand hoping he senses how thankful I am for his sweet words. "honestly babe-Maize we don't have to stay and eat here if you don't want. spike just said this would impress you." he admits and I notice how he corrected himself from calling me babe and I instantly didn't like how he did. "you can call me babe." I say and I feel his hand relax as he nods a small smile on his lips. "yeah let's get out of here." I tell him standing up from the table.

we walk back out to the car and he once again opens the door for me letting my slip in. he joins me glancing to me nervously "so there's the fair happening down town" he starts looking down at his lap and I giggle at how odd it is to see Derek in this state. "you're cute when you are nervous." I say and he looks at me bright red as he goes to say he isn't when I cut him off "don't deny it." he grins shaking his head softly. "I don't know maiz. it's our first date and I don't know where we stand." he admits I bite my lip before responding "neither do I." he sighs staring the car and pulling out of the lot of the restaurant.


Derek's pov

"oh my gosh there's a Ferris wheel and roller coasters!" maize beams like a child making me nervous silently hoping she doesn't actually want to ride them. for my sake. "we have to ride them!" she adds excitement dripping from her voice. I mentally kick myself for suggesting a theme park when I despise them. but when she looks at me, her big brown eyes full of joy I know I'll be riding those rides without a single complaint. "of course." I grin at her she suddenly looks down at her dress eyeing it then me. she isn't comfortable in it and I fully agree. one loop and the entire park would have a beautiful sight. "I have a pair of your bottoms in the back still and you could borrow a shirt of mine." thinking back to how those pants ended up in the back of my car makes me fidget. she was begging for me that night. her mouth on my cock made me need little convincing to pull over and pleasure her until she was continent. "Derek?" her voice snaps me out of the memory and she's looking at me like I'm a bit crazy, I am. for her. "I said I can't find your shirt." I nod reaching my hand back and finding the cotton t shirt. I raise my eyebrows at her as she crosses her arms taking it from me. "wait outside." she tells me holding the clothes to her chest shyly. "maize I've seen-" she shakes her head. "out." I go to reply hoping she would agree so I could just get a glance of her beautiful body. "Derek please." I huff opening the door "fine. hurry up." I slam it but reopen it "please." I grin softening the harsh words and actions. I hear her laugh making my smile grow bigger at the sound.

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