Tea Shop

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Genji's P.O.V.

The bird's chirping, played like notes of a simple but beautiful melody. The little song made me wake up from my long and resting slumber. I open my eyes and look up at the white wooden ceiling belonging to my room, the sunlight blocking my vision. 

I put up my hand, trying to block the bright sunlight that came through the windows. I sit up, yawning from my bed the blank sheets falling off my chest. Brushing my messy hair back with my metal fingers as I look out the window filled with sunlight. I felt so refreshed today, I wonder what it must be, maybe I finally got a good night's rest. 

Then I look at the space next to me, a women's pale naked body covered in the white covers while her blond hair was spread onto the white futon. Angela... 

"Oh my... gooooddddddddddd!!!" I whisper under my breath, careful not to wake her. While my soul started screaming and my head beeped out warning signs. 

I steadily back away from her, my heart beating a bit too quickly. What happened last night?! I don't think there was anything strange in the tea. I remember her in my clothes... what.. Did I-I.. Did I rape her?

I look down, almost throwing up from the thought of anyone... worse even me doing that to her. Another sin  for me on god's list. I'm such an asshole, what am I supposed to say when she wakes up?! 

"Genji..." a whisper so light spoke my name. 

I look towards Angela, who was naked, the sheets slipping off her slim back. 

I scream, "COVER YOURSELF!!!" wrapping the blankets around her small body. As my face started to turn red from the sudden sight. 

Angela looks at me, her cheeks painted pink as well. "Umm... It's alright Genji.." 

I look at her, cuddled in the blanket. Covering myself with my hands in shame. "WHA- What did we do!!? OH MY GOD!! I-" The doctor puts a reassuring hand on my bare shoulder, making me shiver with her cold touch. 

"It's alright Genji!! I wanted to do it..." her words coming into my mind, making me question my morality. Whattttttttt- was all my head could think of. How did this happen?! The only thing I remember is me crying!! "Genji..." 

After a few minutes of screaming in my head, I finally broke through and returned my attention to her. "Um... Yeeaahhh, I'm going to wash up!! You should too!! In a matter of fact, please put some clothes on!! BYE!!" As I quickly pulled up my pants and ran out of the room. 

Zenyatta's P.O.V. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

8 am

That was the time they all agreed to meet up at the cafe for Hanhoe's (Hanzo's) plan. How are we supposed to kick ass if the other two are too busy fucking?! At least, that's what I thought. I remember early this morning  knocking on Angela's door.

5 minutes earlier...


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