No escape

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Genji's P.O.V.

"A mission!!" I yelled.

Reaper sits down on one of my chairs, "You seem irritated by this, did you have something planned today?"

I hesitate before shaking my head. I can't tell him about the escape "It's just... I thought taking a little break would be nice"

He looks at me "I'm suprised, usually you would be happy to go on these missions."

Was I always that fucked up? "Tch.... is there something wrong with resting a bit?"

Reaper shrugs "You've just been acting weird lately...." he stands up "Anyways can you look at these  papers then? It's about the Overwatch Agents we're going to start hunting down..." he hands me the files.

I take it, and look through it. The first profile is:

Name: Unknown
Other names: Soldier 76
Weapons: Pulse Rifle, rockets

"Jack..." the words slipped out of my mouth.

Reaper gasps, I can hear him scold under his mask. "H-How... do you know that name!!"

I looked up "heh..What do you mean?"

He stands up "Only old Talon members know his name or..." I hear a growl in his throat.


"AGH!!" I groan as I crashed into a wall from Reaper's shove.

I smile "So you know that I regained my memories..."

He grabs me by the neck I choked, "I had my suspciousions..."

He points his gun at me "Now then, got any last words..."

I smirked at him "Yeah.... sorry.."

Reaper cocks his head "What?"

Reaper drops me, letting me fall on the floor as my door falls down as well.

"WHAT!! HOW ARE YOU GUYS HERE!!" I hear him yell.

I gasp for breath as I looked up to see someone punch Reaper, sending him flying into a wall and crashing to the floor. My eyes widened as I see Reaper knocked out.

"Ah!! You must be Genji!!" A women with a thick Russian accent said. She had pink hair and a scar on her forehead while she carried her gun.

"Who are you!!" I yelled.

She smiles "I'm the Overwatch agent Sombra told you about... my name is Zarya..."

I nod "I see, but she told me there were two... where's the other one?"

"ZARYA!! I can't believe you broke down the door!!" A robotic voice spoke up. I looked behind her to see an omnic with two metallic ears.

"Right!! This is my friend Lynx..." she says patting Lynx's back, pushing him forward.

He looks at me "A cyborg.... I can see why Talon wanted to get their hands on you..." he offers a hand out to me. I take it as he pulls me up.

"Before we leave we must save someone first... I can take you there, but you'll have to cover me..." I said.

"No worries.... She'll plow all the soldiers through..." Lynx said pointing to Zarya.

"Good... let's go then...."

Mercy's P.O.V.

I sighed looking out the barred up window as sun shines through. It's funny that even the darkest times, light seems to shine through.

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